#10 Drum Lessons *Ashton Irwin*

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You were walking down the street when you caught sight of a piece of paper stapled to a tree out of the the corner of your eye. Treading closer, you realized it was a flyer for drum lessons. You grinned from ear to ear as you recorded the number on your phone and ran back home in excitement.

"Mom! Dad!" you yelled as you ran into your house.

"Yes hon?" your mom asked, walking up to you.

"You know how I've wanted to learn to play the drums since forver?" you asked, jumping up and down excitedly.

Your mom smiled at your excitement, "Yes I do."

"Well I spotted a flyer for drum lessons and I really want to learn so can I please, please, please call them up?" you asked in a rush with your best puppy dog eyes.

Smiling, she mulled it over for a couple of moments before finally saying, "Sure (Y/N), how much do the lessons cost?"

You squealed, barely containing your anticipation, "Twenty bucks an hour."

Nodding to herself, she said, "That's a decent price, go ahead and call them."


You walked up to a small, but welcoming house. Letting out a long breath as you knocked on the door, you shuffled from foot to foot, excited for your first lesson. The door opened soon after, revealing a woman.

"Hi, you must be my sons newest student'" she joked, inviting you inside.

You laughed, nodding your head in agreement, "Yup, I'm really excited to be here. My names (Y/N) by the way."

"I'm Anne Marie. Ashton's down that hallway, second door to the right."

You nodded, walking down the hallway to what you assumed to be his door. You could hear a loud banging in the room and smiled when you realized it was Ashton playing. You suddenly felt a wave of nerves run down your spine. From what you could hear, he was really talented, and you were afraid you would make a fool of yourself.

You sighed, knocking on the door softly, mentally face-palming when it dawned on you that he wouldn't be able to hear you over the noise. You knocked once more, and rolled your eyes as he failed to hear you.

"Screw it," you muttered as you opened the door, blushing beet red at what you saw. There, sitting in front of an impressively battered drum kit, was a boy, maybe a year or two older than you, banging, shirtless might you add, on his drum kit, hitting it with a ferocious force. His long curly hair was flying everywhere and he was sweating like crazy. You stood there in awe, watching him as he played. After a few minutes, you regained your senses and cleared your throat, finally catching his attention.

He dropped his drum sticks in surprise, his eyes flying to you. He flushed deep maroon and scrambled off of his drum seat, flinging a shirt over his head. He stared at his feet shyly as he introduced himself, "Hi, I'm Ash."

It was safe to say you were stunned. One moment he was banging his drums like a badass and the next he was an adorable, shy dork. After getting over your initial shock, you introduced yourself as well, "Hi, I'm (Y/N)."

You both stood for a few more moments, staring awkwardly at your feet. He then glanced up at you, a sudden look of confidence in his eye. "Shall we get started?"


        "I'm horrible!" you wailed, drooping your head in defeat.

Ashton just looked at you humorously, "You've only been playing for a few minutes."

"I know! And I'm horrible!"

Ashton giggled softly, seating himself next to you. "Try to maintain this beat."

He began tapping his feet, guiding your hands at the same time. You soon got the hang of the rhythm and smiled, glancing quickly at Ashton. He smiled back, speaking in a comically deeper voice. "Now put some STANK on it!"

You looked at him, doing a double take. He pulled a ridiculous face in response, causing you to immediately lose the rhythm and collapse off of the chair, falling into a fit of laughter on the carpeted floor. Ashton soon joined you, laughing and giggling loudly beside you.

"What does that even mean?!" you questioned between laughs before turning to look at him.

"I don't even know!" he giggled in response, rolling over to look at you in turn.

You both laughed until your stomachs hurt and tears were rolling down your cheeks. You blushed as you felt Ashton's hand brush your tears away, resting his hand on your warm cheek.

"You're really pretty you know? I got so nervous when I saw your gorgeous face standing at my door," he flirted with a blush settling on his tan cheeks.

You flushed a dark crimson at his sweet words, "You're not too bad looking yourself."

At your response, his gaze quickly hardened with a sweep of fleeting bravery, "Would you like to go on a date with me sometime?"

You smiled brightly, pressing your lips against the skin of his cheek, "I'd love to."

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