#51 Boop *Calum Hood*

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You couldn't help yourself. Calum just looked so freaking cute how could you resist? His eyes were droopy with sleep and he was snuggled under a fuzzy blanket with his biggest sweatshirt on. His hair was messy and curly and his lips were formed in what seemed like a permanent puppy pout.

Before you knew it you were reaching over his tiny form and booping his nose, causing him to scrunch his nose suddenly and let out a small, barely audible, gravely whine.

"Did you just boop my nose?" Calum asked as he tried to rub the sleep from his eyes.

Breaking into a large smile, you immediately hurled yourself at Calum and wrapped him in a tight hug, "Ah you're so adorable babe I can't handle it!"

"Babe, I was comfortable," he whined with a light blush on his squishy cheeks, even though he secretly loved the attention.

"I know," you said as you settled against Calum and let him bury his face into the crook of your neck with his lips gently ghosting against your collar bones.

"But this is better so I guess I forgive you," he mumbled against your skin as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Mhm," you hummed as you nuzzled into his fluffy mop of hair and closed your eyes, letting the slow, steady tempo of Calum's rising and falling chest lull you to sleep.

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