#63 Lavender Roses *Ashton Irwin*

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You were at a local flower shop looking for a nice bouquet of flowers for your kitchen. Ever since winter came, the atmosphere in there was just too cold and dreary for your liking, so you thought getting flowers would help remind you of the warmer months. The store was the only one still open in the harsher days of winter, and you couldn't believe your eyes at all of the vibrant colors decorating the walls while the outside was coated with a layer of monotonous white.

"Hello, is there anything you need help with?" a strong, lilted voice asked behind you.

Whipping around, you let your eyes rest on a young, attractive boy who was standing behind the cashier counter with a large, warm smile on his lips that made your stomach flip and butterflies flutter.

"Actually, I think you can, I'm looking for something nice to bring a bit of color into my room," you said as you fought the bright blush that was beginning to creep onto your cheeks.

You couldn't help the flustered feeling that the stranger gave you. His gaze was just so innocent and full of life, not unlike the flowers that adorned his shop.

You could practically see the cogs in his head turning as a long finger tapped his strong chin thoughtfully. It took a few seconds before his eyes lit up, "I think I have the perfect flower!" He hopped over the counter excitedly and took your hand, leading you through the maze of flora.

"I think you'll like these," he spoke confidently as he plucked a half-dozen lavender roses from the shelf before handing it to you with a soft smile on his face. The cheeky wink he threw your way was enough to make your heart stop.

"Oh, uh, thank you..."

"It's Ashton, love," he said with a barely noticeable pink tint to his cheeks.

"Thank you, Ashton. These are beautiful," you said shyly with a small smile on your lips.

"Not as beautiful as the lady holding them," he said just as shyly, his previously cheeky attitude fading away to reveal his nervousness as he shuffled his feet from side to side.

Your eyes widened in surprise at his words and you felt as if you could faint. This was not happening.

You glanced away, biting nervously at your lip. You were at a loss for words so you fished money out of your pocket and wordlessly stretched your hand out to give it to him. He surprised you again when instead of taking it, he placed a large hand over yours. Looking up at Ashton, you watched as he shook his head with his lips quirked up at the edges in amusement, most likely because of how awkward you were being.

"Keep them, it's my gift to you," he said sincerely.

"I can't just take them," you said back, your eyes unwavering from his hazel ones.

"Yes, you can."

"No, I can't."

Letting out a sigh of resignation, the cogs came back before he broke into a large smile, "Well if you insist on paying, you can pay me back with a date tomorrow."

With your face almost as hot as the sun, you nodded in agreement, "I would love that."

"See you then," he said before releasing your hand and taking a small step back.

Tucking your hair behind your ear, you shot him one last smile before turning on your heel and walking out of the shop, but not before letting out a sly, "Don't think I don't know what these roses mean Ashton, and yes, I think I feel the same."

You allowed yourself a look back at the boy and you couldn't help but let a small giggle escape your lips when you saw him standing with a completely stunned look and a thick blush on his face.

Holding the roses to your chest as you walked the short journey back to your house, you looked down to admire them, and with the image of the shy florist came the flowers' meaning to the forefront of your mind.

Lavender: Love at first sight.

What a sap.

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