Always There For You

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My lungs felt like they were going to burst... I looked at Mackenzie who was racing forward at full speed... she was just recovering. She shouldn't be out here like this...

I winced a little at some rocks that had cut underneath my feet. I realized we were both running in our bare feet...

"Mackenzie!!" I called after her a few times but she didn't turn around.

"Please stop!!"

The both of us kept running... and eventually when she started to slow down towards the end of the property I was able to catch up with her. I wrapped my arms around her to prevent her from running again. I fell onto my backside while her body rested on top of mine. I hugged her closer to me while she cried.

"It's okay..." I told her, trying to gather my senses again... when I felt a little alive again I scolded her: "why were you running when you know you're still not well!?!" she then cried a little harder and I exhaled.

"Sorry..." I said while exhaling deeply.

She then turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck. I patted her back while we both sat on the ground. I held her until she felt tired from holding onto me so tightly. Her body slumped down in front of me so I held onto her hands while her lips trembled. After some time she looked up at me.

"I... I... had a feeling something was wrong... the... the older I got... the more it felt like mother was keeping a secret from me... I didn't know what but this is just..." I began to wipe new and stray tears away from her cheeks.

"I... don't even know who I am anymore..."

"You're still Mackenzie Ravenwolf... that will never change."

"I'm... I'm scared..."

"Kenz... you have family and friends around you who will be there to support you while you figure everything out...I promise."

I laid my hand on top of her head and she continued crying a little before I helped her back to the mansion. 

Gerald and Cassandra were gone, which made my blood boil.

So they just lit a match and then left?

Edna was there and I asked her to help Kenz to her room.

"Call the Doctor to check on her too, please..." Edna nodded and I told Kenz I would come see her again before she went to sleep.

And I did... when I was there, I waited for her to fall asleep. She held onto my hand tightly...

After she was completely out, I walked out of her room... and I was surprised to see Kai leaning against the wall across from me... I sighed while walking up to him.

Just as though he knew what I needed he opened his arms and I crashed into his embrace.

He circled the palm of his hand around the middle of my back while I held onto him tightly...

"Where is Nathan?" I asked and Kai sighed.

"He's probably drinking again in his apartment..."

"What?" I looked up at him confused...

"I sent James and Jackson to look after him..." I stepped away from Kai a little and he looked down at me.

"This is such..."

"A mess?" he said. When I looked up at him there was a calmness behind his expression. It was soothing... 

"Mackenzie will be fine, right?"


"And Nathan?" I asked.

"Everyone just needs their space and time to think... just like it was only a matter of time for the past to catch up to everyone... it's only a matter of time before things become a little less heavier than the previous day..." I nodded and the asked:

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