You Are A Light In Our Darkness

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"Please send an ambulance! She was hurt! Her head is bleeding and I think her back—please help us!!" Charlie shouted out. He was desperately trying to hold onto his sanity during this situation. He leaned towards her and tried accessing her wounds. But he didn't want to move her.

When he looked around the other guys were gone. He was crying, shaking in the spot, hoping that she would be alright. 

She had to be okay.

When the ambulance arrived they put a brace around her neck and gave her some morphine. They accessed her body before putting her on a stretcher. She was rushed to the hospital.

"Young man, are you her relative?" he was at a loss for words.

"No, I mean, yes... she was my grandfather's friend... I just..."

"It's okay, calm down for now... we need to contact her immediate family... how do we reach them?"

"I don't know... I don't know... Nathan... I can call Nathan," the paramedic nodded and Charlie grabbed his phone that was in his back pocket. His hands were trembling as he dialed Nathan's number. When Nathan picked up he and Kai were still at his school, trying to find out about his whereabouts...

"What happened?! Alright, Charlie, please relax... calmly explain the situation... okay... alright... and which hospital? Okay, we will be there..." Nathan asked the driver to head to the specific hospital.

"What happened, Nathan?"

"Your brother was involved in an incident and Hazel had to be rushed to the hospital."

"What do you mean?" Kai's heart sunk a little at the news. What had been going on with her? He noticed there was something on her mind of late, but he never pressed her because it wasn't his concern, but now...

"As fast as possible! I need you to call James. I need to make a few calls," Kai nodded, taking out his phone.

At the hospital, Charlie was sitting outside the OR.

Kai and Nathan were the first to arrive. Kai raced towards Charlie when he saw blood all over his uniform. He reached his arms out to hold onto Charlie's shoulders, looking for the origin of his wounds.

"Who did this?" he couldn't see where the blood was coming from.

"It was... I... this was my fault, she was just protecting me..." Charlie leaned forward, holding onto his head, rocking lightly back and forth.

"It's okay... just tell us what happened..." Kai pat Charlie's back arm and slowly Charlie explained the situation. About the first altercation and the next. He was taken during the last period to wait for her to finish work.

They had it all arranged after investigating her. Charlie detailed about what happened during the fight. Her arm and then the stainless steel rod that was going to hit him. But she stepped in.

"If she... if she... if something happens I won't be able to forgive myself..." he continued to cry and Nathan sat beside him, gently patting his back.

"It's going to be alright. Nothing bad has happened to her yet. She will be fine."

At that moment, James was rushing forward. He saw the blood and reacted just as Kai did.

"It's... it's not my blood..." James looked wide-eyed at Kai.

Nathan motioned for Kai to update James on the situation and Kai pulled him aside. After he told him everything, James held onto his forehead. He walked over to the nearest resting area and sat down.

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