Luca's Confession & Kai's Apology...

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Kai stared at me blankly before looking over my shoulder. 

At that point I was sure he saw a half-naked Luca trying to put his shirt on.

I didn't know how why... but my senses were on fire... I didn't have a reason to be embarrassed, but it felt a little weird having him see me in this kind of situation.

We weren't dating... but it still felt a little odd.

When Kai stepped in and walked past me I panicked a little. I didn't want them to fight again so I turned around and grabbed Kai's wrist. He turned around and stopped moving towards Luca instantly.

"I was just helping him today. I volunteered to come over. He's still not well..." I looked over at Luca who was shocked that Kai had arrived.

"I'll be back!" I shouted towards Luca and then pulled Kai back. He didn't seem willing at first, but relented a little when we got outside and I shut the door.

"Why are you here?" he asked while crossing his arms. I could tell he was upset.

"I already explained it to you... I just came over to help Luca with a few things."

"Why was he was half naked in there? What could you have possibly helped him out with that no one else could have? Are you his assistant?"

"He's been by himself for the last few days. I just wanted to--" I watched Kai scoff a little and look off to the side in agitation and that threw me off. 

Why was he making a big deal like this?

"I can make my own choices, Kai."

"I'm not... that's not what I'm trying to say."

"It's unfair of you to come at me like that when I haven't or Luca hasn't done anything wrong," that seemed to set him off.

"Why are you still talking about him? He's trouble. I told you he's someone you can't trust and you came all the way over here not knowing what he could have done."

"Why are you being like this?! I can't change the fact that you hate Luca, but you don't have to hold onto this resentment like this!" I immediately regretted what I said. I turned away, biting my lower lip. I held onto my head and exhaled.

Why was this happening between us? I didn't want this.

"Fine... go and spend time with him."

When he left I placed my hands on my hips and kicked Luca's door... 

He didn't even tell me what he came here for.

Why did he get upset like that? I sighed again... thinking about how tense things would be for a while...

When I walked back inside I saw Luca who had put his shirt on halfway. I walked over to finish helping him.

"Sorry... I probably made things worse."

"It's not your fault... I'll come again if you need any help, alright?" he nodded towards my way.

"Hazel..." I looked up at him again and this time his expression had changed.


"What if I told you I liked you?" I looked up at him a little stunned. I didn't know if I could take him seriously after all this time, but instead on evading him I decided to face it head on.

"Do you?" I said and he smiled.

"I do, I like you... but it seems like... you already have your heart set on someone else..." I watched the grin I was used to seeing on his face slowly fade away.

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