This Is Love- Kai's POV

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I continued inspecting the art studio for any obvious clues but there was nothing nearby. 

When I re-connected with Nathan on my phone I suggested they get CCTV footage from outside of the shop and in the surrounding area. I would pay whatever amount or do whatever I could to find out what happened. The card I found could be a coincidence or it could be the person responsible for harassing Hazel. I gave the name to Nathan so he could tell the police. Maybe they would find something in their database...

The more time passed, however, the more worried I became. I couldn't help but feel like every passing minute felt like an hour. 

I looked around the studio meticulously without moving anything until the police arrived. They confirmed it could have been a break in. When they saw her phone the police issued an official missing persons report. My thoughts continued racing forward... what could I do for her? 

I don't know what overcame me but my demands to find her became louder... to the point where I didn't know who was pulling me back.

"Bro, relax! It's not worth it! Let them do their job..." Jackson was the one pulling me backwards. "Let's go cool our heads..."

"Just find her..." I mumbled... I didn't turn around to see the cops expression but something was lighting a fire underneath me... and there was chaos.

When we walked out of the studio James and Nathan were there. They were standing by James' car. Nathan was just getting off of a call.

"There's been some developments. Please, stay composed..." Nathan sighed. Everyone was staring at him. I wondered what could have possibly made this situation worse but it got worse.

"They are running a trace on the car that was sitting across from the studio. They... confirmed that the victim being carried to the car was Hazel."

I balled my fists together. Just what was going on? Kidnapping... for what reason? Is it someone from Ravenwolf?

"How long ago?" James asked.

"Shortly after 9pm when it was dark outside and there weren't many pedestrians on the street."

"We have to find her..." Jackson said. When I looked over at him his expression was becoming gloomier. For a moment I was distracted by this...

James and Nathan agreed to go to the police station together to help with the investigation. I decided to wait here for any leads. Jackson stayed with me.

"I've never seen you like this," Jackson and I were leaning against my car. I was twirling my car keys in my hands --trying to find something else to focus on.

"Like what?"

"You usually keep your cool, even under stress..."

"I think this calls for a little--"

"No, not for you..." he turned to me. "She's supposed to be a stranger to our family. Even if she's gotten closer to us."

"She's still a Ravenwolf even if she came from the outside."

"No, she's not."

"She's still a person in our care who--"

"Why are you getting this worked up?"

"Someone just got kidnapped so what else am I supposed to feel--"

"This feeling isn't..." Jackson then sighed heavily. It took my by surprise.

"Are you in love with her?" he quietly asked me.


"Damn... I don't know how long I was away but for you to feel this strongly--"

"Not wanting anything to happen to her at Ravenwolf doesn't mean that I--"

"Then, that's all?"

"What is?"

"About Hazel."

"Yes... it's not love..." my heart stung a little. Why was our conversation...?

"That's good..." Jackson stepped forward and I watched his back... what did he mean by that? He thought I was in love with her? What kind of nonsense was that? Sure, I wanted her to come back safely but that feeling itself was of concern.

Concern that a boss would have? No, perhaps more than that? Like a friend? But not really... what exactly defined our relationship? I didn't know... since there has always been a line drawn between us... that invisible line... that we each have stepped over from time to time.

I suddenly thought of her face and the night we danced at the charity ball together... the times I had gotten too close to her --while sharing a slight or sudden touch. I also remembered the lingering warmth I wasn't used to. Thinking about this now I wondered... did I really think of her any differently because of this?

I continued to drown further into my thoughts until I got a call from Nathan. He confirmed the owner of the car. It was West Brooks. The same name from the card I found inside the studio. I shook my head since it confirming my suspicions. I asked Nathan to give me his residential address.

Before thinking through a course of action I was ahead of the police in my pursuit to find Hazel. I got into my car and raced forward.

Thinking about getting closer to her... finding her and protecting her... it encouraged me to go forth bravely... even if there was a low chance she would be there I would at least try to find her and bring her back to Ravenwolf manor.

Although I was determined to get there as soon as possible I couldn't shake off another thought... that Jackson was probably in love with Hazel.

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