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After I spoke to Nathan he immediately agreed that I should go to the police about the phone calls. 

He told me that James had expressed concerns too. None of them felt like what was happening to me was coincidental. The police, however, could not do much. I expected as much. So Nathan asked me if I wanted to have a bodyguard around me. I told him I'm practically my own bodyguard.

"What about blind spots?" I shook my head when Nathan kept persisting about hiring someone to watch over me. When he told me he would tell Kai I told him not to say anything.

I just didn't want anyone else to worry about me or think this was bigger than it was... so we all agreed to leave well enough alone for now.


A few more days passed by. 

Quietly, and luckily with no more phone calls... I spent more time in-between the studio and the house.

One day when I was in the library at Ravenwolf manor I received a call from Rae. She told me that her cousin loved my painting. After happily telling her I'm glad she like the canvas, we spoke a little about her trip until some time later I yawned and Rae suggested I rest a little... 

"Hazel..." Edna had announced briefly before knocking on the door. She walked inside the library with a glass of apple juice and handed it to me. 

"To refresh..." she said and I smiled. I honestly didn't deserve the amount of care and attention she gave to me. Edna was becoming like a mother to me. I don't know if I could ever admit that to her... but I cared for her a lot.

"You didn't have to..."

"You're like family to me now. So of course I want to take care of you, dear..." I smiled. "Oh! There's a package for you... it's in the kitchen. When you're ready for dinner, it'll be there..."

Edna left and I wondered who it would be from... I didn't order anything and no one knows where I live... so this was odd...

When I walked out to the kitchen Edna was sitting at the table peeling some oranges. I spotted the box.

I inspected it and then slowly opened it. There was no return address... so when I removed the tape it was easy to open. 

Inside there was a single black rose... but it wasn't cultivated that way... it was painted black. The paint hadn't fully dried so I could tell. I didn't know who would go out of their way to send me something like this. It couldn't be anyone in this house.

It gave me a creepy vibe... so when I walked over to the garbage bin to toss it I hesitated. I wasn't going to keep it. But I needed to take a photo or tell Nathan. This wasn't normal. I put the package back on the counter and shut the lid. After I did I saw Charlie walk into the kitchen at the corner of my eye.

"Hey!" he grinned while peering at the box in front of me. "What's wrong? You look a little startled..."

At that moment Edna reminded us to take out the dinner she made.  Since it was sitting in the oven we just needed to warm it up...

"I'm good... just a little is school going?"

"Really good. I'm on the Honour Roll list again..."

"Amazing... I'm so proud of you..." I leaned forward to squeeze his cheek playfully and he laughed.

"So, will this be your first trip to Japan?"

"What do you mean?"

"The joint venture... Nathan told me about it. They intend to go to... I assumed you would be going as well," I broke out into an unstable laughter. Me? With Kai? To Japan... I suddenly felt uneasy but a little nervous. My heart started to race...

"I don't think so, after all... I'm not the president of the company... there's no way that invitation will be extended to me..."

"Hmm I don't know about that... it's an important deal... so you might be in Japan later in the New Year..." I nearly choked on my cough. Charlie leaned forward concerned and held onto my arm. There was no way that would happen... right?

"You alright, Hazel?" I nodded and waved my hand in the air to signal I was fine.

"Well, then, we shall see about this..." I would question Nathan about this immediately... it seemed like my fear from earlier had washed away entirely...

A moment later, though, my phone rang. I looked at it and noticed my Boss was calling.

"Hello?.... what?! Really?! That's terrible... yes... yes... of course... please let me know if there's anything else I can do..." I hung up.

"What happened?" Charlie asked.

"My boss's car was vandalized. So he has to make a statement tonight. And deal with his insurance. He asked me to come and close the store later."

"Oh, that's awful... wait, why you?"

"Rae is on vacation and the other teacher is new and doesn't have a store key. My boss has to go and deal with a few things now so I'm the only one that can go. I'll have to leave in another hour..." Charlie nodded.

"Do you want Walt to drive you?"

"I don't want to trouble him. I'll have some dinner and head out. The studio doesn't close until 7," Charlie nodded. We both had some dinner together and shortly after I grabbed my jacket. I waved back to Charlie before I left. When I was crossing the street I saw Kai and Nathan pull into the mansion.


After I arrived I called my boss and he thanked me for coming again. I told the teacher to wrap up her class. I helped her clean up afterwards and then told her to head out. I would finish up.

"Are you sure?" I nodded and she left. There was only a few more things to do. So by 7:30 I was ready to go back to Ravenwolf. I hadn't looked at my phone since I arrived and I saw a message from Nathan asking me if I wanted someone to pick me up. I smiled and before I messaged him back the lights shut off.

I looked around randomly while shining the light towards the back where the breaker was. I wondered what could have happened... it wasn't the weather... I sighed. It was probably a wire problem...

Since I didn't want anyone to have any troubles when they opened I decided to problem solve. I went over to the breaker with my cell phone light, and opened it. I put the flashlight setting on and leaned it against the side while I fiddled around with some of the buttons. Nothing was coming on...

I messaged my boss and he told me a few minutes later to leave it and that I could go home.

I decided to give it one more try. I put my phone aside again but nothing... I sighed. I grabbed my phone again.

Crash... something fell down in the studio... what was it? I stepped out and couldn't see I walked further into the studio and there was a smashed mason jar. There were paintbrushes scattered on the ground. I looked around again...

The sun was completely set in the distance so the only light in the background was from the streetlamps.

I reached out to pick the paintbrushes up, but before I picked up the last one I could sense that someone was behind me. I turned to look but a hand with a cloth in it pressed against my face. I struggled and fell backwards. I could feel the glass cut into my hand. I tried pushing the person away but it was instant... I felt dizzy and my eyes became heavy.

Then there was darkness.

Ravenwolf's RoseWhere stories live. Discover now