This Feeling In My Heart...

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"You haven't contacted me personally so I didn't intend to bother you," Luca said. He leaned over to put on his shirt again. It was painful, but he managed to do so. 

"Then why appear at my charity event?"

"You're still on that?" Luca laughed and then grabbed his jacket. "I was invited as the plus one for one of my clients. He's worked with my family for years so I couldn't refuse. And besides, I didn't plan on running into you."

"You never change," Kai replied while holding onto the back of his neck. He didn't have much time to rest because of the all the calls they were taking of late. So when a staff member telling him that someone got hurt just before their connection was cut made him feel a bit on edge. Especially when he heard someone yell out Hazel's name before they hung up...

 His body just moved before he realized it. And he rushed in determined to find her...

"You're on this again too... I'm different than I was nearly a decade ago."

"Your attitude is still the same. Incredibly flippant..." Luca chuckled and the two of them faced each other.

"How else am I supposed to act around you?" Kai stared at Luca, not sure which direction he wanted to go with this. "I can't be happy about seeing an old friend again because you don't like me. I also can't act regretfully about what happened in the past because the past is also where you began hating me. I can't win... so yes, sometimes I may come across as such... but don't forget... you also haven't changed..."

Kai really didn't know what else to say to Luca.

After all, Kai didn't like him because he still blamed him. Even after all these years, when he could have let it go. And he could have accepted that he wasn't at fault, even partly for the decisions that he made himself... he still couldn't let go of the pain. All of the pain that would never go away simply because he wanted it to.

Being around Luca reminded him of a time in the past he regretted the most. A time he wanted to take back. Because no matter what he did he couldn't bring back his parents.

"I didn't go overseas because of you... " Luca stated and Kai looked up at him. "I went to the US for my mom. She wanted me to take over the business seriously... we can keep avoiding each other as you wish. Since we used to be good friends I'll still respect that."

Quietly, Luca walked over to the door and then opened it. 

"You... stepped in to help Miss. Rose. I can't deny that fact. So for this one time I'll say... thank you for helping her," Luca paused and thought about how he may never win with this guy. Or how they may never be friends again but for some reason... he felt like he did what he could to let Kai see that he isn't this horribly impetuous person...

When Luca left Kai called Nathan to update him. After he did he decided to take Hazel back to the mansion. He didn't think this would ever happen, but he regretted asking her to do something like this. Especially since this could have ended even worse than it did...


I spoke with the director briefly and he told me that they would wrap up the shoot. They had enough photos so they would just work with what they have. If they needed to they would ask the President to arrange for another shorter shoot with Natalie. But time was money so they didn't think it would happen.

"But you were really great, too!" the director complimented me a few more times as did some of the staff. I told them I'd rather be the subject of my art and not the object. 

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