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"Alright!" I looked up at Nathan's enthused expression.

"Hold on a minute... I didn't actually think you'd agree with me this quickly?" I said, a little perplexed.

"Well, to be honest, the shareholders have been curious about you. And since you are the current heir of the company, it would be important for you to show up at the company and give your support."

"I can only imagine what they think of me..."

"They don't have an opinion of you."

"I'm sure there are rumours... Mistress. Seductress. Or perhaps he's my Daddy-Long-Legs?" Nathan laughed and we both stood in silence.

"There isn't anything to be ashamed of."

"I know,"

Nathan gave me a sympathetic look and then while walking past me he patted my shoulder and said, "I'm happy with your decision."

I then slowly turned; watching him leave the room. Thinking about if this is truly the best thing for me right now. But if I wanted to make progress, I had to do this. Even if there would be some tension...


Although I didn't have a background in finance, business, marketing, or public relations, Nathan insisted that participating in meetings and learning about the company would be good for my personal growth as an entrepreneur... or artiste as he put it.

When I told my boss I would only be able to work 3 days a week, he understood thankfully. Through the process of transitioning into a figurehead role at Ravenwolf and dodging Rae's questions about taking fewer shifts at the studio I was able to find a work balance.

When I woke up in the morning it felt like I was ready to take on the world.

Although I was wearing an uncomfortable dress that Nathan got me for appearances (I didn't have a 'prestigious enough wardrobe' for Ravenwolf)... I dare not ask the price.

When I thought I was 'presentable enough,' I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, somewhat unrecognizable; I re-affirmed to myself that this was it. This was going to be hell in a hand-basket, but if I gave up without trying that old man would probably haunt me until I was grey.

I took my time walking down the steps. When I reached the final step, I held onto the railing, and braced myself as though I was stepping onto the ice.

I exhaled. Thinking that this would be the hardest part of my day. Then I thought of Kai, and told myself to think again because Nathan hadn't talked to him about my intended visit today.

I walked over to one of the cars I would be escorted in. One of the drivers was incredibly considerate. He helped me into the car, and make small talk with me on the way there. When we got to the company, my heart sank, and I peered out at the large building. 

When I got out of the car the driver asked me if I wanted him to call for someone to escort me in, but I told him I would find my way. When I entered the building I couldn't help but feel intimidated and yet curious by the fast pace environment. A lot of people were passing by me, talking animatedly.

I let Nathan know I was here and braced myself for what was about to happen. When I got onto the almost full elevator, a young woman approached the elevator. 

She was incredibly tall, and her hair shone angelically under the lighting. Her nails were long and delicate. Her body was a perfect 'S,' shape, and from top to bottom, she was lathered in designer clothes. She tilted her head to the side, looking at me. Up and down. Sizing me up. She scoffed a little, and before I could react, the elevator door closed. 

Ravenwolf's RoseWhere stories live. Discover now