Time Crunch

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When I met up with the marketing team, I felt like they were a team of titans. 

They were already whipping up incredible ideas. I sat there taking notes on just how their creative minds were working. After taking it all in one of them asked me what I came up with. I told them about my sketches and some of my research. They seemed uninterested. I didn't blame them. When they excused themselves, I stayed in the room looking over my notes again.

There was a knock on the door and when I looked up Nathan was there with a drink from a café nearby.

"Edna told me that you like chai latte's..." I smiled and he brought it over to me. I rubbed my eyes a little and yawned. 

"Are you sleeping well?" I nodded. The past 2 days had been a whirlwind. I think I got maybe a few hours each night.

"I'll be fine," he looked at me a little concerned.

"You have 3 art classes tomorrow right you shouldn't overdo it..."

"These days you're kind of like a surrogate parent Nathan," I laughed and he reached over and put his hand on top of my head. I looked up at his gentle expression.

"Just know that there are people around you who care for you as well... one of the administrative assistant's has ordered you some lunch from one of the places you told me you enjoyed eating at... just remember to take it easy when you can. No matter what happens, I already know how hard you are working."

With just a few simple encouragements, I reached my hand over my head and pat his hand.

"Thanks again for all of your help" he smiled while releasing his hand. He then started walking out of the room. I yawned again, wanting to nap, but I sipped on my latte, and opened up my laptop in front of me to continue brainstorming ideas.

After my lunch, as promised, I went back to the mechanic's department and watched over them for a few more hours. After that, I went to the storefront and spoke casually with the staff. I asked them if I could spend some time with them in the early morning tomorrow. That would be before my classes and they agreed. Not that they couldn't shoo me away because of my 'position,' but they did seem open to my intentions of learning about the business...


After getting back to the mansion, I took a brief nap. 

When I woke up, Edna had prepared a large meal for me. I smiled, thinking about how hard the people around me were also working. I finished eating and then returned to sketching. I began drawing scenery from the mechanic's shop, some of the people on our marketing team, as well as some scenic views from the top level of Ravenwolf. 

There wasn't a doubt in my mind now about the reason why Henry Ravenwolf wanted to protect his company. The reason made me sympathize with Kai a little bit more. The people here were incredibly thoughtful, determined, and driven to give their consumers the best product. I paused for a moment... why did it just dawn on me?

Just what if I could work with this angle?

I had thought about going to bed a little earlier, but something inside of me felt a new surge of creativity so I started writing in between sketches with some ideas I had for a concept.

Before I knew it I fell asleep at my desk. I woke up to my alarm blaring. I shut it off, had a quick shower, and took a bite of the bagel that Edna had brought up for me, along with a bowl of fruit and tea. I didn't have time to indulge because I wanted to go and see the employees at the shop.

I raced downstairs, and as requested, one of the drivers was there to take me to Ravenwolf. I arrived when the doors opened at 9am. I made some small talk with the staff and then watched them greet their clientele.

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