The Funeral

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The air felt lukewarm in the car. 

Nathan described the car model to me. It was similar to the Mercedes Benz S Class. I had no idea what that meant. But after sitting in the car for a while, I could feel like I understood why cars had fancy names like this. It felt luxurious. 

I clasped my hands together and looked out of the window. Nathan's eyes were glued to his phone. He was sending and replying to messages at the speed of light. The driver was relatively quiet.

When time continued to press on, I had worse case scenarios forming in the back of my mind. Perhaps they were driving me out into the middle of nowhere to dismember me. Or maybe I would be buried alive... I shook my head several times, trying to be present in the moment. Nathan looked over at my concerned face, but I persisted nevertheless.

When we arrived at this residence, I was amazed by how huge it was. It was a grandiose mansion. There were walls around the outer property and even a security guard at the front entrance before we were allowed to pass through the large black gates. It suddenly felt like I was entering into a millionaire's territory... just who was this old man?

The driver drove another minute up the long pathway. There were statues and gorgeous gardens along the way. When we reached what seemed to be the front entrance, there was a large, white fountain. When we stopped, Nathan got out of the car. I also did. When I got out, Nathan was standing next to me.

"There are a few things I must tell you before we enter Miss. Rose," I looked up at him more gravely. "This place... can come across as unwelcoming at first, so please don't be offended..." I looked up at him in disbelief. He began walking in front of me. I was a little startled.

"Miss. Rose..." I jolted in place and then walked forward. When he reached the door, he opened it. Inside, there was a large foyer. 2 staircases on opposite sides of each other, leading up to the second floor. There was a large chandelier underneath me as I walked further into the mansion. It sparkled.

"This way Miss. Rose..."

"You know you can call me Hazel," he nodded and I followed after him. We walked side by side for some time before Nathan's phone rang. He told me to wait here and excused himself momentarily. I stood there, looking at some of the large paintings framed on the wall. 

I looked over at one I instantly admired and recognized it immediately. Upon closer inspection, I realized it wasn't an imitation. It was a true Rembrandt. The shock made me step back a little. When I did, I bumped into someone.

I moved forward quickly and turned around. I looked up to see a young man looking down at me. His expression seemed severe... almost cold. He was wearing all-black as well. It was definitely a custom-made suit. I was unaware of just how much money this family had. But I knew given my surroundings there was something quite at stake here. Before I said anything, he said:

"Who are you and what are you doing on this private premise?" I looked up at him shocked by his accusatory tone. "I'll have to ask who escorted you here or I will have to ask you to leave."

"I'm Miss. Rose," I cringed as the words left my mouth. His eyebrow shot up. I pressed my lips together. I wanted to crawl into a hole. Curse that secretary. "I mean, I'm-"

"Hazel," Nathan said comfortably while walking towards me. He stood firmly by my side. 

"This is Mr. Henry Ravenwolf's important friend" I looked up at Nathan suddenly, who was locking his eyes into this young man's. It seemed like he was able to hold his ground equally with this intimidating figure and exchange a powerful gaze.

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