Dress To Impress

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My palms were sweating. There were more people gathered in the conference room than I anticipated. I suppose me presenting, given the circumstances, was something 'the people' didn't want to miss. I had butterflies in my stomach. I tried calming myself down, but I couldn't.

Even after speaking to Nathan I still couldn't shake off the nerves.

Yesterday was powerful. The energy I came in at the start of the day fueled me until the end. We finished our presentation and I was proud of myself, but I was more impressed by the team and their dedication to take on the idea of not only a novice, but someone who isn't in this field. Who just 'started' at the top of the company without having experience or credence to begin with. I could feel the pressure creeping up.

I was relying on a relentless need to prove Kai wrong. To show him that I could do this.

But I forgot about this most important part of the process... convincing him and a whole board that this would generate millions for Ravenwolf. That kind of reality... given the gravity of the situation... really sat in my gut.

When I tried thinking of how to take the edge off, I reached into my pocket to grab some gum before I started but when I did I saw the bracelet that Henry Ravenwolf gave to me... I remembered his smile, his mission, and his love for his grandsons. To continue protecting this company. A lightness finally starting growing on me. I could do this...

When I stepped into the board meeting I was met with some minor applause. There were probably about 30 people in the room. Kai was at the head of the huge round table.

Nathan was sitting beside him. He smiled at me, offering support. My team was there, along with a few more people from our marketing, PR, and purchasing departments. The members of the board were in the same general area as Kai. I exhaled, and after introducing myself again, I used the remote to start the slideshow.

The lights were dimmed and everyone's attention was splitting between the screen and me.

"Since 1972 Ravenwolf has offered select, practical, and high-end cars for multiple demographics. The first car on the line, which has been both a classic and icon for our brand has been re-designed with multiple new features and designs, while at the heart of it keeping some main distinct elements..."

"From the 1980s, 90s, and early 2000s, Ravenwolf has supported their consumers with high-quality customer service and top of the line technology for the development of vehicles... now, I want us all to remember the time of the first televised commercial for Ravenwolf. Considerably lower budgeted, but at the heart, one of the first to change a generation of intrigue and use of transportation..."

"I want us to think of how our image has changed, but how our core values have captivated not only the hearts of our consumers but also our employees... Peter Arthur, the head mechanic at Ravenwolf, has been here for over 20 years. Reena Lewis, our Head Manager at the storefront, has been with us for 15 years... there is something special about the people who make, produce, and share our product, as much as the clients who purchase..."

"I wanted to share with you something a little different... a conceptualization that honors the time that Ravenwolf has been producing high-quality cars for the people, but at the same time, the heart behind the machine that we trust..."

"As you can see, at first glance, we see a young man. A common trope in a lot of automotive commercials... instead, I think we should focus on the generations and multiple demographics that rely on our cars... families, couples, people learning to drive, the everyday worker... over the years, with our unique footage. And the people who make it all happen. For our story... while watching what we don't see, behind the scenes, the people who are a part of the process..."

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