His Body Against Mine

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When I got back to the mansion, without hesitation, I passed out. 

When I woke up it was 4am in the morning. I realized I had miraculously slept for 17 hours. I had never felt more refreshed in my entire life than I did at this moment in time.

With small movements and motions I rolled out of my bed. I enjoyed the feeling of comfort. Being drowned in comfy blankets. Sinking into the pillows. But I needed to get a head start. 

For the next 2 days, from a strict 9am to 6pm schedule, as I agreed to abide by with Nathan, given the kind of burnt out mindset I had before, I would be working with the team closely on the presentation.

When I got to the office it felt like I had built a decent amount of rapport, given I had only known these people for several days.

We moved between rooms collaborating and organizing. Picking colours, looking at designs, thinking of who to reach out for stunt drivers, actors, and models... there was a lot to consider for a 25-second 'video,' and I couldn't believe the amount of work, budgeting, and allocation of expenses into the success of a project you don't know will be green-lighted by the higher-ups.

On my break I went to see the mechanics team. Peter was there, as usual, encouraging me to do my best. I had lunch with some of them, laughing over the rumours of me being found in the office early in the morning. I don't know who told who but I'd take that over mistress any day of the week...

After lunch I waited for the elevator to arrive and when it opened I walked in. 

Thinking I would be by myself, I was startled by a hand that reached out to stop the elevator and it opened again. 

When I looked up it was Kai. He stepped in. He looked at me and then turned away. We both were going up the same way anyway. I didn't make any sudden movements, but I looked over at him. He had a neat, polished 'look' as usual. 

A finely, custom made suit that made his body look like a perfect silhouette. I exhaled. I didn't look nearly as professional. Most of the time I had paint stains all over my clothes. He seemed to have looked over at me curiously, but when I turned to look, his head seemed to have moved again, looking forward. 

On closer inspection, I noticed how pretty his eyes were. When his fury wasn't being directed towards me. In those times I could only see anger and frustration through his expression, but today I noticed they were a beautiful amber.

When he turned his head he caught me staring. But by that time, the elevator has reached our level and I raced forward acting like I hadn't been looking up at him. It looked like he wanted to say something, but I bolted when I had the chance.

After a long day, employees started to head out of the office. Nathan came to 'check' on me and I told him I would be heading out at the same time as he would. When I came out with my jacket in hand Kai was there beside him. I pressed my lips together.

Thankfully we were driving to the manor separately so I kept my composure. We all walked to the elevator. When we continued down to the next level a lady with a lot of papers stacked in her hands came in. Nathan went forward on instinct to help her. She thanked him, but in doing so, when he backed up I was standing next to Kai. He didn't seem too happy about that. We had more floors to cover, but I had hoped this ride would be over soon.

As though the universe wanted to punish me for something a hoard of office workers entered into the elevator a few floors below. They nodded towards the president and everyone became squished together inside. 

I was pushed to the side and my body pressed against Kai's. The elevator was stopping at most floors, and although people were disappointed they couldn't get in I cursed at the amount of traffic leaving home at this time.

I bit my lower lip. I saw that Kai had moved his hands away; pressing them against the side of the elevator walls.

The more people moved around the closer I was pushed towards him.

Someone suddenly dropped their phone and their bag bumped into me so my face planted into his chest. Everyone else was in their own world, but I felt my cheeks get warmer. 

The elevator abruptly stopped again and Kai's hand reached forward to hold onto my arms to prevent me from sinking further into his chest. I looked up at him staring down at me. All I could feel was the firmness of his body. 

I was about to die.

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