Reaching Out To You

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I was rubbing my wrist. Kai had the guy's hand fastened behind his back.

"Charlie, music!" Charlie rushed over to the speakers and took out the plug. Everyone started groaning.

"Hey dude you're killing my arm!"

"Good. Maybe this will teach you a lesson about keeping your hands to yourself."

I thought that was mighty rich coming from him, but I was happy he showed up at the right time. If he hadn't, I would have kicked him in the nether regions and ensure he wouldn't be getting back up anytime soon...

"Jackson... if you don't get these people out of here in 5 seconds, I can assure you that you'll regret coming back home..." Jackson cleared his throat and asked them all to take the party to one of the VIP clubs he goes to so they all left... except for the guy that Kai had in an arm lock.

"Hey..." I looked at Kai and he seemed to understand. The guy left while holding tightly onto his arm. Charlie approached me, holding onto my arm.

"Are you hurt?"

"I'll be fine," I smiled, even though I knew my wrist would probably feel a bit tender for the rest of the night...

"Were you upstairs, Kai?" Charlie asked while helping me down from the pool table.

"I just got in shortly after you two..." I saw that he was still in his suit. He still hadn't taken off his shoes. He loosened his tie a little and exhaled. "Where he gets these loose morals I just..." he looked up at me and I was rendered speechless. 

What was I supposed to say? Thank you? Or, good timing?

"I'll take Hazel upstairs," Charlie insisted and I looked at him. He looked worried about me. 

Kai nodded while looking down at my wrist momentarily. I held onto my wrist instinctively as I watched him leave.

"Do you need me to get you some ice?"

"It's okay, I'll get it later..."

Charlie escorted me back up to my room as he promised. I winced a little, hoping I had some peppermint oil in my cabinet. I rubbed it on my skin with a little jojoba oil, hoping it would help take the edge off the pain. After laying about for an hour, it seemed to subside.

When I decided to go downstairs for a late night snack, Kai was leaning against the counter, reading through a newspaper. I could hear the kettle turn off when I walked in, so I knew he was making himself some tea.

I tried avoiding eye contact with him but I knew, even after tonight, speaking with him would be inevitable. I would have to see him here, at the office, and anywhere we casually bumped into one another. Sure, what happened in the bathroom was embarrassing for me, but he wasn't dwelling on it, so I thought that I should let it go for now.

After I got the small Tupperware full of fresh fruit I packed for myself earlier today, I started heading out of the kitchen.

"How's your wrist?" I turned to look at him. A little surprised he asked me. He was being a lot more considerate of late, minus our intense bathroom encounter. Is intense the right way to describe it...?

"I'll survive," I said, examining my wrist.

"You... should be careful with your hands, right?" I paused for a moment and I realized what he meant. He sounded like he was scolding me in place of Rae.

"How could I predict what was going to happen?"

"That's not what I meant..." he stood up, heading over to the kettle to pour a cup of tea for himself. There was a silence between us. I didn't know what he was trying to tell me...

"I may... not completely understand you... but I know that you have a career outside of this household... so if anything else happens to you while you're here, I don't know else how I'll be responsible for it."

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