Heightened Emotions

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Edna and I were there when Mackenzie opened her eyes.

We were all relieved that she seemed to be in good spirits after she woke up...

"Will I get a cool scar?" I pinched Kenz's cheek gently after she spoke.

"At least you're well enough to joke..." I smiled and then added: "they will run a few more scans and tests to make sure everything is okay, and then in the next few days if you're able to you can go home..."

"I'll go call everyone else..." Edna said, sniffling. She got up after gently patting Kenz's shoulder...

Afterwards, Edna let us know James and Charlie would be here in the next hour.

"Where is Kai and Nathan? I could hear their voices when I was a little conscious of my surroundings, I think?"

I leaned over to pat the top of her hand.

"They went back to the office... but I'm sure they will visit again soon..." I smiled as best as I could while leaning in to touch the side of her face as though I was touching a feather...

"Kenz... please be strong... as much as you can..."

She nodded, looking up at me innocently... I didn't know what else to say... when I peered over at Edna, I could tell she was just as wary about the future as I was...


A few days later Edna called me from the hospital to let me know Kenz was being discharged. I was at the art studio finishing up a class with Rae at the time... so I was relieved I would be able to see her in the next few hours back at the mansion...

I hadn't been here in a while so when I came back I didn't realize how strained I might have looked.

I saw Rae grab two wooden stools and bring them closer together. She tapped one of them with her palm, encouraging me to sit in front of her...

It had been a while since we last spoke. When I did, she reached out to hold onto my hands.

"How've you been?"

"I'm feeling a lot better...:"

"You've been through a lot lately... I was wondering if you were sleeping well..."

"I am..."

"Hazel... there are days when it seems like you're floating on cloud nine, but there are times when you... look a little tired...you know I'll never pry but--"

"Rae..." I said, while squeezing her hands in mine. "I'm really happy..." I looked up at her and smiled. "I was a little stressed about something but... overall, I'm doing well... you know, I even visited my mom recently..." Rae's hands grasped mine tightly. I could tell she was trying to conceal a smile.

"I see..."

"There's... a lot I have to talk to you about... now isn't the right time. But I have things I want to share with you..." there was a slight pause between us. Rae nodded and then leaned in to hug me.

"Good..." after some time we had to get ready for our next class.

When I left the studio I felt a little better. I knew Rae would be upset at me for keeping all these secrets... and perhaps I never will be able to tell her the full story, but one day... one day I would be able to talk freely about some of these experiences...

Besides, there was Kai... and Kenz, Edna, Nathan, Jackson, Charlie, James and even Apollo that I wanted to properly introduce her to...


A little later, I arrived at the mansion. I walked over to Kenz's room. She had been resting there since her return.

Edna was making her soup when I asked her what everyone in the house had been up to.

"I haven't seen my mom or dad since I woke up... do you know what happened?" I could barely look at her...

I didn't know what was happening as of late because I hadn't had a chance to talk to Kai or Nathan.

But whatever was unraveling, I'm sure it wasn't too good.

"I'm going to paint for a while, then I'll check in on you, alright?" Kenz nodded.

When I got to my room I turned on some music before bringing out my easel again... I didn't know what would inspire me today... but after an hour I realized I was drawing Ravenwolf Manor... I smiled a little to myself...

When I heard my stomach growl a little I decided to go make myself something to eat. Afterwards, I promised myself I would have a proper talk with Kai. I wanted to know what was happening at the company and how Nathan was doing... they were all away from the mansion and aside from a text message here and there from Kai... I felt like I was in the dark.

When I got to the bottom of the steps, I saw Cassandra emerge from the other side. Gerald was close behind, catching up to her. I didn't have time to move, so I just watched the scene unfold. I could tell something happened. Gerald was yelling at her to stop, but she was ignoring him, trying to make her way to the front entrance.

"I asked you what have you been keeping from me all this time, Cassie?!"

"You're just overthinking Ger. I told you several times already! How many more times will you make me look like a fool?!!" when he caught up to her, he spun her around by holding onto her arms.

"What have I not given you?!Expensive bags and clothes, luxurious vacations, cars and status!! Why are you always like this?!"

"Who are you to talk to me like this?!"

"I'm supposed to be your husband above all, but you treat me like an ATM!!" shortly after he spoke she slapped him in the face and there was a long silence between the two.

"So, what? You're my husband! You're supposed to provide these things for me. Should I grovel on my feet after you give me these things?!"

I wanted to escape from this situation... but they were in their own world.

"You're power hungry, Cassie. You never stop. I shouldn't have thought you would have changed--"

"Power hungry?" Cassandra crossed her arms and laughed. "And why do you think I'm like that?" she pushed him away and he looked up at her stunned. "When my husband is so weak. You shouldn't think so highly of yourself. Look at the position you're in. Vice-President? And you're supposed to be the first son?" she added, mockingly.

Gerald balled his fists together. My cheeks flared red... this woman had so much nerve...

"If you want to know that badly..." she stepped forward... "then I'll tell you..."

I held onto my head momentarily... this was it. She was just going to blurt it out...

"Mackenzie's biological father is Nathan."

I heard something drop in the background. I looked over and saw that Mackenzie was standing around the corner. She had stepped out and dropped her phone...

You could hear a pin drop right now... so of course the two of them turned to see her... but it was already too late. And my heart began to ache... I tried stepping forward, but before I knew it, Mackenzie had already rushed past them. When Kenz opened the front door to run outside I launched myself forward.

"Edna!!" Cassandra shouted. When they both saw that I had been listening too they remained silent.

The last thing I heard from Gerald was...

"I want a divorce."

Ravenwolf's RoseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora