If Anger Had A Metre...

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I couldn't shake off how humiliating it was to hear him talk about me like this behind my back. I could hear their laughter echo into my ears. What kind of friends would talk about his late grandfather like that? And talk so rudely about someone they didn't even know?

Through the hurt I was also angry. Thinking about what exactly he thought of me, just as everyone else had, I wasn't surprised. But hearing him say it... that heartless... I suddenly couldn't stop myself from reacting. 

When Rae arrived, as though I was possessed, I grabbed the glass of beer she got me and I turned around, pouring it on top of James' head.

A few seconds after I started pouring, when it was a millimetre from being emptied, he stood up.

He was shocked, but when he saw me standing behind him he just stared back at me. I smirked up at him challengingly.

"What the--!?" one of them said.

"What's your problem?!" another shouted. A few more started cursing out, but I wouldn't remove my gaze from James. Trying to detect some sense of shame from him. Instead, he just took off his glasses and started wiping them clean.

"Do let me correct one of your statements, Mr. Ravenwolf... I may be a difficult person to understand. And perhaps I may seem dirty to you, but there is one thing you should know about me... that I won't tolerate anyone slandering of my character especially if the accuser or accusers haven't even attempted or given me a chance to show my so-called true colours..."

I looked over briefly at the other men who were stunned by what I had said. Rae was now grabbing the back of my top to pull me back. I suppose she wanted to know what was going on. I would want to as well. When I realized that more people were looking over at the 'scene,' I created, I added: "I hope this helps cool your heated temper towards me..." I grabbed my handbag in one hand, then grabbed Rae's hand with my other hand and pulled her forward.

When we got outside, the blood had finally risen to my face. I was feeling mostly frustrated but a little embarrassed by my impulses.

"What the hell –-why did you-–how do you know that guy?" Rae started multiple sentences a few times trying to understand why I did what I did. The only thing I could come up with was...

"He was... a one night stand I had months ago..."

"Huh? Come again..."

"Before you came he was... talking about me behind my back," well, that wasn't a lie.

"Well, what did he do?"

"That's... let's just say things didn't end well."

"Do you need me to go and pour another beer on top of his head?" Rae demanded, looking up at me sincerely and I laughed. Finally, there was a little bit of relief.

"Of course not... I just need to walk it off a little... can we do drinks another night?" Rae brought her hands forward and clutched my hands into her own, squeezing them lightly.

"Will you be alright?" I nodded and she sighed. 

"Alright, get home safely... make sure you message me..." she hugged me tightly and then waved goodbye. When she left I exhaled, holding my hand to my chest. Now I would have to deal with the repercussions of this. And I was making slight progress with the eldest brother... I would probably be back to square one. I smacked my mouth lightly.

Me and my big mouth... I should have just let him talk as much smack as he liked and let karma fall in line... but I couldn't help it. I looked up to the sky, asking the old man what the hell I was supposed to do now.

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