In His Arms Again...

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He slowly helped me down, but when my feet touched the ground, I suddenly felt embarrassed. 

I moved away too quickly and my shoulder bumped harshly into the ladder. Kai shouted out in protest, and on instinct, we both brought our hands forward holding the ladder in place.

This time, our hands were touching. We both looked at one another. When the ladder was in place, I didn't act impetuously... I calmly moved my hand away from his instead.

"What were you doing?"

"I just--" I started and winced. My arm was hurt. I reached for it impulsively but stopped midway, putting my hand down. 

"Edna is sick. I told her I would do her chores for her so... this is why I am here," he saw the note on the ground and picked it up. He scrolled down the list meticulously.

"Can't you see," he pointed at the 'chandelier chore,' where she scribbled: seek Frances for assistance with the ladder. I didn't read the side of the note...

"I didn't... okay, that was my fault."

"You could have seriously hurt yourself. Whose fault do you think that would be then?" I stared at him. It didn't look like his concern was coming from a place of hatred. Something like wariness? So I could potentially have sued him and he was worried about that?

"I won't do this again..." I looked up at him and he stared at me. 

"After I clean the windows, though..." I pointed over at the front windows. At this time, Nathan was walking in. He saw that we were standing in front of each other and squinted towards us.

"Hazel... everything alright?" I nodded and Kai sighed.

"I'll have someone else do that."

"I was... just trying to help... I know I caused more trouble than I did in this case but..." Kai looked like he wanted to say something but a little voice cleared her throat. I looked down and saw Mackenzie with a glass of water.

"Edna told me to bring this to Hazel..." I smiled at her and took the glass of water.

"Thanks Kenz..." she grinned proudly. At that moment, Kai turned around and walked away. I didn't know what else to say to him... but the damage had been done. Nathan had walked over to greet me.

"What happened?" he tried accessing the situation and I briefly told him what happened. He also scolded me for not getting any assistance. Shortly after, I decided to go and relax upstairs. Nathan agreed to talk to Edna about staying in for the rest of the night and to get another one of the employees to help make dinner.

When I was upstairs the soreness of my arm increased. When I took off my shirt in the bathroom, I saw that there was a large bruise already starting to form. 

After having another quick shower, Nathan told me that he ordered me some food, which I was grateful for. After bringing it up to me, he told me that I would be needed at the office again, and apologized for that in the future. I told him that I didn't mind because being there was interesting and a good experience for me.

When he left I sat at the small dining areas in my room thinking about what I needed to do next.

However, from time to time, no matter how hard I tried to avoid it... I couldn't help but feel that lingering sensation of being held in Kai's arms...


By the time my second class came in, the sensation of pain I felt yesterday when I hit the ladder was practically gone. It was a little sore but above all I felt better.

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