Honesty, The Heart's Best Medicine

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The next time I woke up, Charlie and James were in my room.

Charlie was sitting on the chair beside me and James was sitting by the window flipping through a textbook. I coughed a little and Charlie grabbed some water for me. He gently lifted my head up and helped me with my drink. I smiled at him.

"I'm fine... a little rest and I'll be back to normal..."

"The doctor said you can come home today so we're here to help you get back," in the distance, James cleared his throat.

"All your tests came back negative for any tissue damage. There were no signs of bleeding or ligament issues... you'll still feel a bit of discomfort, at the most..." Charlie and I were looking over at James. Of course, his mind would work particularly in that way...

"Bro... could you be a little..."

"What?" yes, he was stating things matter-of-fact, but still...

"I'm glad my body is still functioning properly... thank you for the reminder," James nodded and I sighed. I tried lifting my body up but it still felt sore. Charlie reached over, trying to help me get up.

"Do you need to use the bathroom?" Charlie looked at me worried and I shook my head ever so slightly.

"No, actually, I want to leave as soon as possible. Let's ask the nurse about getting me discharged sooner rather than later..." I heard a book shut and James was already standing up.

"I'm on it..." I watched him leave the room quietly. Charlie insisted I rest so he helped press my body back into the bed.

"So, what was the verdict? Are you still going to that awful school?"

"Yes... everyone else was transferred."

"Seriously?" I moved around too quickly again and closed my eyes tight. I felt Charlie touch my arm. I looked at him, still like a wide-eyed baby. He looked so young and innocent.

"Yes... the only... well, the only update is that the leader... the one that was harassing me the most went missing."

"Missing?!" how on earth... "don't tell me that was just rich people talk for sending him off to boarding school, or how he decided to run away to the Maldives?"

"Unfortunately not... the headmaster has issued a reward for any information regarding his whereabouts... it was only a few hours after you were in recovery when James told me about it."

I wonder where that evil brat could have possibly went? Who knows what happened to him... I wouldn't care about it so long as it didn't concern me...

"I... hope you didn't argue with Kai about anything..."

"What?" I looked at him. He seemed a little distressed.

"It's just... when I saw him on the way in, he looked a little... upset, if that's the right word? Maybe troubled... I told him everything you did for me and he was angry about my inability to come forward... even though it was hard for me... I should of..." I reached out to touch the top of his hand.

"That's all in the past now... moving forward, you can trust in the people who support you, right?" he nodded. I thought about what he said about Kai. 

Worried about me? I paused to think about our interaction. It was a little intense and he walked away after what I said to him without replying back to me... I knew I was frustrated. But if it affected him that much... why?

He spent an awful lot of time trying to pin me down. Accuse me for being wrong in this situation or having some sort of calculative motive... why would he be upset? He sure didn't wear his emotions on his sleeve in front of me that's for sure. Not that I blame him. I wasn't someone he entirely trusted... 

After some time, James came back. He told us that we were allowed to leave. A nurse would help escort us to his car. When I got ready to leave, the nurse and Charlie helped me into a wheelchair. Moving around still sent shocks down my body. I just wanted to pain to be over with.

On the way home, it was quiet.

When we got back to Ravenwolf, Nathan was already there waiting for us. He picked up the prescription that I was given.

Getting me upstairs was also quite a task. I was being propped up strategically by Nathan and Charlie. With Edna behind them both. Getting up the staircase was quite the mission. I felt dizzy afterwards but Edna had already prepared tons of fruits, snacks, and chilled drinks for me.

When they carefully placed me in bed, putting pillows around my head and arms, Edna brought me the 'refreshment' section she created. 

"Thanks Edna... and Charlie... I want to speak to Nathan for a bit if that's alright?" they both agreed to leave us together and after they left Nathan looked me also concerned.

"I won't reproach you for what you did because you helped Charlie, but you should rely on us more. If anything, reach out to me... do you understand?"

"I'm sorry... I honestly didn't know this would happen..." in front of Nathan, I knew I could be as honest as possible. Let my defenses down a little. There was truth in what I told Kai, but I couldn't let my emotions get the better of me around him.

It wasn't about not wanting to be perceived as weak around him; I just didn't want him to think poorly of me, in the sense that in everything I do was for a reason. If it truly wasn't because of Charlie, I wouldn't have intervened like this.

I couldn't win with Kai at this moment. If I came across more strongly he would think something was premeditated. At this point anything and everything was possible in terms of their interpretations of me. And I didn't want to lose on any front where I gained some credibility with them.

"You don't have to hold this burden on your own... neither did Charlie..." Nathan reached over to move a stray piece of hair from my face. He smiled at me and I tried my best to smile back. 

"Charlie... is in a better head space thanks to you... for that, I'm grateful, but please... don't put yourself in a position like this ever again, understand?" I nodded.

"Thanks for trusting in me... I'll be careful from here on out..."

There was a silence between us. Until I remembered about Rae and the art studio...

"Don't worry about the art studio. Your boss understands and has given you 2 weeks leave of absence... you will have to come up with a plan to ensure your friend isn't suspicious about you being away from work for a few weeks... for that, I have to apologize for. I will make sure to compensate you for the hours you also will miss at work--"

"Don't worry about that... I can make due."

"No...you are still paying rent to keep your apartment on top of your own expenses. Especially with those vet bills."

"I have some savings, Nathan... please don't worry about it. You've already done enough for me..." there was a pause between us. Seconds later he stood up and looked down at me and said, "please rest up... when you're feeling better, you can come back to the company, alright?" I nodded, and he added in, "I'll come and visit you again soon... make sure to let Edna know if you need anything, alright?"

"I will..." I watched Nathan leave the room and then sighed to myself again. I could hear Nathan get startled outside... I wondered who was out there... I yawned again, thinking that it may be a good thing this medication was making me sleepy.

It felt like my body needed to recharge completely... at least now I could do so for a longer period of time...

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