The Consequences of Getting Close To You

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I had a restless night because I thought about my own childhood situations.

I then thought about Kai.

It was on repeat. I couldn't sleep well because of it.

When the sun rose I decided to get up. To tire myself out throughout the day so that I could pass out unthinkably at the end of the day.

I had a few classes at the art studio. Luckily Rae wouldn't be here today because I looked like a raccoon.

I had a few of my students ask me what was wrong and I told me that I was just up late last night watching dramas.

When my third and last class came in for the day I was already yawning.

By the time I would be finished, got ready to go back, and then found myself in my room again, I knew I would be able to sleep. The thought of it was relieving to me.

While I prepared the canvases for the next class, I felt a little disoriented. I wobbled a little and before I lost my balance someone was behind me. They held onto my shoulder. When I looked behind me it was West.

"Hazel, are you alright?

"Sorry for the trouble... thanks... I'm just a little tired..." he looked at me concerned, and I stepped forward, turning to face him. "You're early again."

"Yes, because the hospital my mom is staying at is nearby... is there something going on you'd like to talk about?" I shook my head and smiled at his sincerity.

"It's nothing for you to worry about..." he nodded and when I walked forward a little and stumbled he helped me to sit down.

"Would you like me to get you a glass of water?"

"Yes, that would be great, thank you" he raced towards the mini fridge we had and took out a water bottle. He placed it on my head briefly, and the coldness shook me. My eyes widened and he smiled.

"Did it wake you up a little?" I laughed and nodded.

"Good thinking..." he pulled a stool from the side and sat in front of me.

"Were you up painting late last night?" I smiled at him. I wish I had more time to paint, but these days I was a little preoccupied.

"I'm afraid it's just drama... a drama... I'm obsessed with some programs right now," he smiled. "How is your mom doing?" I asked.

"A lot better. She's happy I'm taking your class."

"That's good... especially since your course is almost finished. I'm hoping you feel a sense of accomplishment," he seemed to look suddenly downcast. "West... are you alright?"

"I'm great!" he looked back up at me. It was a little disturbing to see his reactions transform suddenly like that but I was a little too tired to overthink matters like this... he was probably just an expressive person.

"Do you have someone picking you up?" I shook my head. "Since you're this tired would you like me to drive you home?"

"Don't worry about me," I patted the top of his arm. "I'll be fine," I smiled at him and some more of the students came in. I stood up to greet them. I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched...

When I arrived at the mansion later Mackenzie greeted me at the door. She wanted to go out on a walk with Apollo and was waiting for me to join them. Of course she wouldn't know how exhausted I was. Or what I had been thinking about so I smiled and agreed to go with her.

We had some fun on the grounds with Apollo. We threw around his ball and Frisbee. He had a lot of fun running around such an expansive area... this would probably be a paradise for most dogs... when we were finished walking him, I looked at my phone. It was just after 6pm.

I yawned again and Mackenzie reached forward to grab my hand.

I was happy she was getting comfortable around me.

We walked hand in hand towards the mansion with Apollo running around us wildly. When we reached the front door, we noticed a car was coming around the bend. I could tell it would be Kai and Nathan. I wanted to stop but they probably already saw us. I hadn't seen Kai since that night so I was a little nervous.

Luckily, Mackenzie hadn't been paying attention much since her eyes were glued on Apollo, so she pulled me forward. I went inside and told her to go and wash up before her dinner. While I was taking off my shoes the door opened again behind me. Nathan stepped in and then shortly after Kai did.

"Hazel..." Nathan waved at me and I nodded in his direction. He then picked up a phone call and walked towards one of the lounges on the right side of the foyer... there, I was left with Kai, who was taking off his jacket.

I sighed to myself and continued walking towards the steps. I would try and stay up another hour before I went to bed. When I reached the first step there was something deep inside of me that wanted to say something to him. I hesitated going up to my room.

While I waited at the first step, Kai walked by me quietly. He ignored me as he normally did. He kept getting further and further away from me. It felt like my words were on mute...

Nothing was coming out from my throat. It was hard to form sentences... what would I say to him? Instead, I just watched his broad back, swaying slightly as his body did until he reached the final step and turned to go to his room...

I turned around thinking it would be best to get something to eat first. I headed to the kitchen.

Edna had a BINGO night with some of her friends so she left me something to heat up when I got home. I sat down at the table, quietly eating.

When I was finished, I cleaned my own dishes. Every second that passed I was fighting falling asleep mid-air. My head started leaning forward uncontrollably. From one side to the other.

I held the back of my head when I was walking up the steps to go to my room. I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to sleep. When I got upstairs, as though I walking zombie, I got to my room and opened the door. I walked over to the bed. It felt like I was in a trance. I didn't have a sense of my surroundings.

I fell onto the comfy duvet and curled my hands under the fluffiness around me and fell fast asleep.

I don't know why it felt like I had gotten one of the best sleeps of my life, but when I turned around, I was looking out at a few things I didn't recognize... my desk wasn't on the right side of my bed... and my walls weren't this dark... I stretched a little on the bed and rolled onto my back. I looked up at the ceiling. That hadn't changed of course.

I felt the comforter around me and now it felt a little different.

I then slowly sat up and realized I wasn't in my room. My jaw dropped. 

Whose room or what room was this? 

I can't believe I didn't get into the right room... was I that tired? I looked around for my phone. It was at the bedside table. I grabbed it and saw what time it was. Just after 7am... I must have slept a long time...

I slid off of the bed, curious about my surroundings. This definitely seemed like it was someone's room... someone was definitely living in this room...

When I exited the room and shut the door behind me, I looked around. I was on the right level... where did I go wrong? I paused and then looked ahead. My room was on the opposite side... so that means... that this room... belongs to Kai...

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