When It Was Less Complicated?

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The day after the charity event I was at the art studio reflecting about what happened...

That unexpected lip touch with Luca... hearing about the shiny, glamorous lives of the rich people I met... and the waltzing experience I had with Kai...

Even after the event I couldn't forget Kai telling me at the house that he appreciated my attendance and my cooperation in the event... he even told me he would take that expensive dress in to be fixed... it seemed like getting along with Kai was a dream... being around him was becoming a lot more natural... but it was something I was determined to establish: a bond with this family in order to fulfill that old man's last wish...

I mean, building any foundations for friendships or relationships took time... especially if you started off on the wrong foot... and it was becoming easier to be around the Ravenwolf grandsons...

I sighed. I was playing with one of my paint brushes. I was spinning it around a few of my fingers. I didn't notice my students coming into the studio until a few of them called out to me. I put the paintbrush down and greeted them.

When I waited for them to all comfortably find a spot, I noticed that West was missing. This was his second last class... I was surprised he wasn't there. Perhaps he was with his mom? I hoped he was alright... he hadn't left a phone number when he signed up for this class for reasons he never really stated...

"Hey! So what would you like to do this year?"

"For... what?"

Rae had already arrived at the studio and had finished up one of her classes. I had no idea what she was talking about...

"You know... for your birthday... don't tell me you forgot?" I stared up at her, wide-eyed... I had forgotten my own birthday.

"It's already October?"


"I didn't realize..."

"This is the first time you... are you alright? How has your aunt been treating you?"

"Honestly, things have been so busy. It definitely doesn't have anything to do with my aunt... sorry, Rae..." I reached out to hold her hand.

"Don't be sorry towards me silly..." she patted the top of my shoulder and I smiled. "Should we just go to dinner and check out an art gallery?" I nodded and she grinned. "It's a date!"

I laughed and she skipped away.

I yawned shortly after she left and stared back at my paint brush... I definitely wasn't going to be getting any work done. I decided to head back to Ravenwolf. I needed to forget about the ball...


I barely stepped into the mansion when I heard Edna calling out to ask who was at the door.

When she saw me there were tears of relief in her eyes. I was a little startled by her emotions.

"What's wrong?!"

"It's Charlie again!"

"What happened?" I held onto her arms, worried about what she would say next.

"He's... he's in his Headmaster's office. A few students were harassing him again and--" before she finished speaking I was already looking through my contacts on my phone to call Walt.

I asked him to meet me at the front of the house. I told Edna to calm down and reassured her I would take care of it right now. I encouraged her to keep calling his brothers.

When I arrived at his large 'campus,' I raced inside the front foyer entrance. I must have looked like a frazzled so when a teacher greeted me cautiously I asked her where the Headmaster's office was. I explained who I was so she escorted me thankfully.

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