Taking A Chance, Making A Change

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"I'm... getting an Uber?" he scoffed and then waved me over. I wondered what he wanted now... 

"Jump in."


"Because I'm driving us both back."


"Don't ask me... just get in the car," he walked around to the driver's seat and I decided to comply. I would have to be more frugal with my expenses now... when I got inside, I put on my seat belt. Soon, we were driving off.

After some more enduring silence between us he asked, "Is this premeditated?"

"What is?" I looked at him, confused.

"Are you really that..." he looked at me more sincerely. "You really aren't..." he sat there and I looked away.

"Yes, I orchestrated Mackenzie finding a sick puppy just so I could bring it to the vet, while hoping that she might contact you to come out and meet me?... Do you understand how idiotic that sounds?" he sat quietly for another ten minutes and I zoned out. I was tired so I started nodding off.

I was surprised by how quickly I was able to get the Ravenwolf sons to shut up now that I knew a little bit about their quirks...

I shut my eyes hoping to fall asleep for the rest of the ride. James was quiet so I fell asleep. By the time I woke up we were already back at the mansion. We were sitting in the driveway parked. I rubbed my eyes and yawned while looking around. I saw that James was sleeping.

His head was dipping forward, then back. I chuckled and reached over, but hesitated, thinking about what he would say... but he did wait until I woke up... I looked at the time. It was just over midnight now... I didn't want to wake him up so...

I reached over, not caring about what he would think, and used my hands to steady his head back again. I leaned over to lower his seat a little, and while close to his face, I couldn't help but notice how pleasant he looked when he slept. I smiled, moving back; I took off his glasses and folded them up neatly. I put them in the case that was sitting in his cup holder.

He was probably coming from the library when Mackenzie told him. I saw some books in the back of his car. He probably didn't have the best sleep schedule...

I quietly left the car and shut it as quick as I could. It made a bit of noise. But when I looked inside the car he was still sleeping. I had hoped he wouldn't hate me for not waking him up...

When I got inside, I saw that Mackenzie had fallen asleep on the lounging seat in the foyer. I exhaled while walking over to her. She was half asleep when I helped her to her room. I tucked her into bed and pat the top of her head. I smiled at her sincerity for that puppy. She was obviously still worried about him.

"How's... the... puppy..." she mumbled.

"He'll be just fine..." I smiled while stroking the top of her head. Mackenzie nodded and then fell back asleep quickly. I quietly left her room and then crept my way back up to my room. After an eventful day I just wanted to continue sleeping like the rest of them.


A few days passed since the 'puppy' event and my time at Ravenwolf had continued as usual.

I just had to look Cassandra square in the face to tell her we were keeping the puppy. I had to pull out my 'inheritance,' card to show her how serious I was about letting Mackenzie raise the puppy. She wasn't happy about it to say the least.

When it came to Kai... that was another bridge I needed to burn. He didn't like dogs (Nathan told me after I asked if it would be alright if we kept the puppy). So I avoided the subject for as long as I could (this was a huge mansion, after all), but the little puppy was already eagerly walking around the house as his health continued to get better.

He walked past Kai one evening when he got home. Luckily I was home when I heard him shout in protest downstairs. When I rushed downstairs, seeing Mackenzie hold onto the puppy for dear life, I glared at Kai.

"Don't overreact. It's just a puppy."

"They're dirty and stressful to keep around."

"I think it would be a good experience for Mackenzie. To raise and take responsibility for another living being."

"You're not the one that decides how she should be 'taught.'"

"You... don't you have a heart?" Kai scoffed but Nathan interrupted us.

"Alright, relax... Kai, you have some business to attend to. We'll talk about this in person later." 

Moments later, Kai fixed his jacket and then walked past us. I walked over to Mackenzie. She was holding the puppy in her arms.

"I won't... have to give him away, right?" she looked at me, teary-eyed.

"No, I promise you can keep him," she smiled and then skipped away. Eventually, she put the puppy on the ground again and he chased after her.

"Don't blame Kai too much, Hazel..." I turned around and looked up at Nathan.

"Why does he hate dogs that much?"

"Truth be told... he's always wanted a dog."

"Then why?!-"

"It was a combination of things, but mainly because he had to take on a lot of responsibilities when he was young. His parents and arguably Cassandra to a degree, said that he wouldn't have time to take care of a puppy... so I suppose he just convinced himself that they would be a nuisance to feel a little less disappointed."

"That sounds... quite sad, actually..." I looked up at him. Kai was on the phone while standing at the top of the staircase.

So, after a bit more time, Kai didn't approach the subject again, and I didn't talk to him about it.

When I was home, I did, however, enjoy playing with that adorable puppy. Mackenzie was still deciding on a name, so when we could, we would bounce ideas off one another. We were in the meditation room, having some afternoon tea when she let me know the few she was thinking about...

"I was thinking... something like Chance? Or Amore? Or Lucky?"

"Whatever you decide will be the right name for him," at that moment, he rushed over to us, and Mackenzie hugged him again. 

This young girl was very different from the first time I met her... and I was glad she was opening her heart up a little. That I could see her being a happy kid... I brought out my phone and took some photos. I showed her and she was delighted.

She told me to send them to her. I also decided to send them to James and Kai. I had gotten their contact information already, and I wanted to show them how their cousin was doing, positively so, with a puppy in her life. I smirked at myself briefly before realizing I needed to leave for my evening class.

"See you both later!"

After I slipped on my shoes, I grabbed my bag. My bus would be there in about twenty minutes, and it was quite a hike getting there. I launched myself forward, running towards my destination...

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