Bringing Us Together...

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"It's a puppy!" I smiled as Mackenzie brought me towards a little fluffy dog lying on a newly made mini-bed.

"There's something wrong..." Mackenzie was tearing up. I realized she was under duress because of the puppy.

"Let's see..." I said seriously while walking over. I knelt beside the puppy and gently moved my hand over its face. It moved around slightly, but I could now tell it was very young. It was probably sick.

"Everything will be alright..." I scooped the puppy into my arms while trying to appear as calm as possible. I needed to find a 24-hour vet hospital.

"I need you to do something really important for me Kenz," she nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. 

"I need you to check to see where the nearest pet clinic is, alright? Can you do that for me?" she nodded, speeding towards her computer.

I brought out my phone and called Walt. I apologized to him before asking him if he could take me out.

Moments later, Mackenzie rushed back with a sticky note. She wrote down the address.

"Good girl... I'll be back. I promise I'll do what I can for the puppy, alright?" she nodded, leaning over to kiss the puppy's forehead. I walked forward, a little flustered.

We needed a doctor... yes...but James wasn't a vet. So I couldn't call him.

I also wouldn't call him considering we don't have that kind of relationship.

When I got back into the ca, I sat down and we were on our way. I began stroking the puppy's head, hoping I would be able to bring this one back to Kenz...

When we arrived at the hospital I rushed inside. I was greeted by the receptionist who I also assumed was the vet's assistant. I explained what was going on and she nodded understandingly.

The only vet on the late duty came out to greet us. She brought her hands forward. It felt like I was passing over an over-sized baton to her.

"Let's see, little baby... what happened to you..." I followed her to the examination room. She poked and prodded around the puppy, checked his vitals, and then before sighing she said: "I'll have to take him in for further examination. We'll rush some blood work and a few scans... I assume it's a virus because he was kept away from his mother so young..." I nodded, listening to her plan and agreed to the conditions.

She said the receptionist would help me at the front and if I had any questions she would answer them.

When I walked out, the assistant was there with some paperwork to fill out. I complied, not sure what to name the 'puppy,' so I sat there puzzled, not thinking about the vet bills until now. I cringed a little. This was going to cost a lot definitely. But it's all for that cute puppy...

As if on cue, the assistant brought an invoice, "this is just for the emergency treatment. There will be another estimate for the tests and treatments," I nodded, looking over the bill which was reaching a $1000. I stared up at the ceiling, thinking about how expensive it was to help little innocent fur babies...

When I thought I would lose my senses someone else came in. I turned my head over and saw James walk inside.

"Hello," the assistant said, "what may I help you with tonight?" he shook his head and pointed at me.

"I'm here with her," I stared up at him, curious as to why he was here. The assistant took leave and he sat next to me.

"Mackenzie called me. She sounded a bit frantic and then texted me this address," he sighed.

So, you came? I raised my eyebrow suspiciously.

"I'm here as a duty to my cousin, nothing more" I looked at him and glared slightly. I continued with the paperwork. After some time the assistant came back to take the paperwork.

"About the bill... can we pay in installments?" she looked at me, confused.

"Pardon, Miss?"

"I mean, I could give you my billing information, it's just this month... I-"she looked at me as though she would be in trouble if I tried making any payment arrangements.

"I... I'm sorry, we don't do split or monthly payments here..." at that moment I saw James had already brought out his platinum card. My pride was getting the better of me and I pushed his arm down.

"Never mind..." I sighed, going into my wallet to get out my debit. I handed it over to her and while she grabbed on it I held onto it. I wouldn't let go for a few moments until she pulled harder, stumbling back.

I pressed my lips together in discomfort. Would I have to find some extra freelance work this month? I was still making debt-repayments and refused Ravenwolf for paying my rent while I lived somewhere else, so I was still making rent payments and I had my own personal expenses...

I was sinking into a hole... I had minimal savings, but... this month would be tight...

"You know a $1000 isn't a lot of money," James announced as the assistant left. I scoffed at him immediately.

"I'm glad you have the privilege to think that way, but for me its rent, food, travel and living expenses like utilities and paying my cellphone bill..." I bit my lower lip, thinking more seriously about the matter.

"You don't have to worry about that now. You're a Ravenwolf."

"What?" I glared at him and he seemed shocked at my tone. "I still have my own expenses. I didn't ask for anything from this family."

"But you have money, affluence, and power now. You can easily summon that amount of money up. You're the heir right now," I stared at him.

"The company... yes, they probably could lend me some money to pay for the expenses," I smiled, quietly relieved at the thought.

"Lend?" he said. I looked over at him and he seemed to be staring at me as though I was a little out of my mind.

"Then, what are you doing there?" he seemed genuinely surprised by the way I was reacting.

Truthfully, no one knew why I was there. It wasn't for the inheritance. I had intended to pay down my debts at the end of the year, put some in a savings account for retirement. and then donate it to various charities.

I wouldn't know what to do with that money by myself. There was too much unnecessary responsibility for that kind of money.

"It's not like you're paying to live in your previous place," I didn't answer him and there was a stale silence between us.

I know he was probably wondering why I would do all this for. If money wasn't a motive. But I really was doing this for that old man's last request...

"Forget it. A cute, innocent little puppy's life at stake here. It's fine. I'll manage or I'll talk to Nathan."

After I spoke, James went quiet. We sat beside one another for another hour before the vet came out again. She let us know about the blood work coming back positive for a viral infection. It was curable but needed immediate attention. So we were lucky we came when we did.

She told us that we could leave and come back later in the morning. There would be another vet and assistant by then who would show them the treatment plan.

"Whatever you need to do, doc" I said and the doctor nodded and then waved at us before she headed back. There were a few more people that came in with a cat. They were a little frazzled.

I could only imagine how much that puppy's antibiotics would cost... I stood up while grabbing my bag. I brought out my phone to catch an Uber. I told Walt to go home since it was getting late. I would have to make sure Nathan gave him a huge bonus or raise...

When I got outside I stretched a little and then walked to the right, opening up my apps...

"Where are you going?" I turned to him and he was pointing towards his car.

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