Where There's Smoke There's Fire

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I made it through the day. 

It was a tall order to fill, but I promised I would teach multiple classes when I came back. I was exhausted by the end of my shift so when I told Rae I wanted to postpone our night out together she didn't hesitate either. We had kids between the ages of 5-10 for the last 2 hours, and our energy sources were completely depleted.

I said goodbye to her after we finished putting the studio back into its original neat and tidy form and I lugged myself to the bus stop.

I thought I would fall asleep on the bus, but I managed to stay awake. It wasn't a long commute, but it was long enough to feel a bit tedious because of the remote area that the mansion was located. Luckily there was public transportation strategically placed nearby the rich areas so that even if I had to walk to a street to get on it at least it had been there.

By the time I got back around 7pm, I was emotionally and physically spent. It didn't feel like I could stomach dinner so I told Edna I would go straight to bed, and when I woke up, I would have a large breakfast. She agreed and told me to have a snack if I woke up late in the night.

I could barely make it to my bed. When I hit the pillow, I passed out almost immediately. It seemed like doing business-related affairs was slightly less taxing on my body, at least in the span of 24 hours, which was ironic.

Edna was right, though. Even after sleeping as long as I could, I woke up at around 1am hungry. I decided to get something in the kitchen to eat, which I did, but upon hearing someone else coming in as well, I slid to the side and hid behind the counter. I hadn't turned on the lights, but she flicked them on. I didn't know why the hell I had to hide, but with a handful of grapes in my hands, I peered over the counter, watching Cassandra, in her silk nightgown grab a bottle of wine from the cabinet.

When she turned around, I saw her in a bright green face mask and nearly lost my senses, since I wasn't expecting that. I pressed my lips together and held my hand to my heart. She started humming loudly to herself before leaving, turning the lights off as she left.

I shook my head and then crawled to the side looking left and right. I eventually bolted back up to my room. But before I went back, there was a light strumming noise coming from Charlie's room. I stopped, thinking I must have been hearing things, but when I backed up towards the front of his door I could hear an acoustic guitar in the background.

As far as I knew, Charlie was the only one in his room most of the time. I wondered if he played any instruments. But why would he be playing when everyone was asleep? Didn't he also have to get up early for school? I thought about it momentarily, and decided that it wasn't the right time (literally and figuratively) to talk to him... I wandered back into my room...

I woke up early in the morning and I thought about what I could do for the next several hours before I went to work. It dawned on me that I hadn't seen Peter and his team for a while so I wanted to go to Ravenwolf. I thought it would be a good idea to bring something to them. To thank them for all that they had done for me. I had to think about what that would be...

I had a light breakfast, gathered my belongings into my bag, and then waited at the front of the house for the driver to pull over. I had requested a drive to see the mechanics team before I headed over to the art studio. It would be faster and I decided to take it easy on myself today.

Just because I was an unwanted presence in this household, didn't mean I couldn't take advantage of being driven around when needed. I mean, Ravenwolf is an automotive company...

I was brought to one of my favourite bakeries before I was dropped off at Ravenwolf. I even included another batch of desserts for the retail team. Even though I spent more time at the auto shop I wanted to show them my gratefulness for letting me spend time in their space.

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