Only Time Will Tell

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I really couldn't catch a break...

I thought he would avoid me but he didn't. As soon as Luca spotted me he crossed the street.

I moved a little to the side, hoping to get to the car first, but he arrived before I was able to enter. I handed Walt his coffee. 

"Happy to see me again so soon?"

"Does the sun rise in the West?" he laughed and I sipped my drink. Before I was able to make my smooth escape I noticed something incredible...

Cassandra and Nathan were entering the cafe I just left...

I sunk down to the ground and looked over curiously.

"What are you looking at?"

"Shh!!" I shouted while taking his good arm and pulling him down. He seemed a little aghast by my sudden move. I tried peering over again but they were out of my sight... maybe I had just imagined things?

"Was that Cassandra?"

My eyes didn't deceive me... then why would Nathan be meeting up with her?

"I have to go..." I then crept forward a little, attaching myself to the wall like Spiderman. Luca had followed after me and I tried to 'shoo' him away but he didn't listen.

"This is way too interesting to miss... what did you see?"

"Shh... be discreet..." we both entered the cafe again... I tried to be as covert as possible, hiding behind a plant with Luca. I spotted them on the other side having coffee together. I noticed that people were staring at us and I coughed a little before turning away...

I waited for them to make a move... 

After a few minutes passed, I saw Nathan get up. Cassandra seemed a little flustered... Nathan appeared to be angry... I hadn't seen him like this so it was a bit of a shock...

"What happened?" I looked up at Luca who had become my unofficial partner in crime. I then turned to see Nathan and then Cassandra walking forward. I panicked and turned Luca around and then pushed him into a corner trying to become less visible but they were both obviously distracted... 

When the coast was clear Luca was smiling when I looked up at him. 

"Being friends with you could be very interesting too..." he whispered and I scoffed.

"Not interested..." I said and I gently pushed him away before I exited the cafe. I saw Cassandra tearing up while holding onto Nathan's arm. He shook her hand off of his arm quickly and walked away...

I wasn't able to get closer so I hurried back inside when Cassandra suddenly pivoted and left Nathan's side.

"Stay here..." I told Luca and then headed out again...

Really, curiosity would get the best of me... but if Cassandra was giving Nathan a hard time I wouldn't let her...

I hid behind a corner when I saw Cassandra stop and make a phone call. I couldn't believe she was still crying. I thought her body had been made entirely out of plastic. Or that she was incapable of expressing heartfelt emotions...

"I can't take it anymore mom... I just can't. Gerald isn't getting anywhere in his position. So I thought this might change something for me but it hasn't!! Instead he just got mad again... what will I do?"

I wondered what she meant by that and what was she scheming this time...


When I got back to the mansion I went right to the kitchen to get myself another drink. When I closed the fridge door Jackson was there.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize he had arrived so I jumped a little because of his sudden appearance.

"What are you... what are you doing here?!" I calmed myself a little and Jackson looked at me confused.

"I'm getting a snack. Why are you so shook up?"

"Nothing... nothing at all..." he looked at me... probably sensing I was hiding something. I looked away innocently while making great strides to leave.

"Can you free up your Friday for me at the end of this month?"


"You'll find out..."

"Why is this family so...?"


"Oh! Nothing... sure..." I then started walking away...

I wondered how many more secrets would be spilled in this house. 

The thought just gave me a headache...

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