His Challenge

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A few days later, I was getting ready to go back to the office. The people I met were all pleasant. They weren't flocking in packs, disseminating rumors and making up stories about the 'relationship' I had with the late president (like I thought they would). Or at least it didn't reach my ears. For that ignorance, I'm grateful.

I hadn't seen Kai at the house, but in the meantime, I had one art class I spearheaded as usual. I helped Edna with some flower arrangements, did some homework with Mackenzie, and took long afternoon naps. By the time I had to go back to the company, it felt like it had been a while but it hadn't.

I didn't exactly have my own office. Nathan asked if I needed one, and I told him it would be absurd. Since they only held board meetings once a week, I would make that my temporary space.

When Kai insisted on an urgent meeting with the Marketing team for an upcoming project, I thought I wouldn't be included. I was supposed to be giving interesting 'insights,' but I didn't think I would live up to that promise because Kai despised me. Not that I wanted to, seeing as everything was too new for me to develop opinions right away...

About halfway into the meeting after talking about trends and some interesting concepts Nathan had to take a call so he excused himself. Kai then spoke up about deciding on who would lead the creative design team for our new model being launched next season. It would have to be a stunning, stand-out commercial to attract multiple demographics.

While in the background I doddled on my notebook not thinking too much of myself in this situation because the only artistic abilities I have are strictly canvas related and not mixed media. Let alone the degree of proficiency, experience, and talent it took to make something like this become real. I heard Kai make a suggestion...

"Miss. Rose..." I looked up at him, a little taken aback. "You will collaborate with our creative director and marketing team on our next product launch. You all have one week to present an idea to me and our board," everyone else looked like this was incredibly sudden as well.

I looked at him as though he had lost his mind. But I knew he knew what he was doing. This was calculated.

He knew this was not my forte. But that is why this would work out for him. Hoping to make me look like a fool until the last minute. So that if I screwed up or hurt the company's image or business acumen my integrity and place of being here would be challenged. In fact, I wouldn't be allowed to be here, most likely. I would be seen as useless, and that's what he wanted.

By the time Nathan re-entered into the room I dropped my pencil on my notebook. I decided to go all out. I wouldn't let him try to step over me.

"Alright... but you'll have to excuse me for being a beginner... I want to thank the president for giving me this opportunity... I'm sure I will exceed expectations..." some of the team members were whispering, making some comments. I just stared him down, and he looked up at me, as though I was indeed out of my mind.

"I look forward to the results..."

After the team was excused I stood up hoping to leave too, but I only got halfway across the room before Kai spoke up.

"You're going to fail," I turned to look at him. I wanted to punch him square in the jaw. Nathan cleared his throat and shut his notebook.

"That's enough, Kai."

"I won't fail," I crossed my arms and then added, "if and when I do make it through this... you have to promise me one thing."

"Promise you? I already told you-"

"I get it. You and your family don't owe me anything. I'm the one who is intruding. I'm the one who should leave, but let me request this. Seeing as you challenged me. If you're not worried, that is, that I'll win?" he stopped speaking, and appeared to be listening. "If I... create an incredible design concept. If our team creates a state of the art commercial that attracts and boosts sales revenue –comp'ing last years for the next few months... you will give me a chance."

"A chance?"

"A chance... to get to know me more. Instead of assuming the worse about me and my intentions of being at Ravenwolf..." there was a long pause, and when I thought this stubborn, arrogant man would step over my dignity again, he simply nodded and said, "alright we'll just see how far this confidence will take you..."

After that, I left the room. When I reached the bathroom, I sunk to the floor.

Out of my mind.

What was I thinking?

I have no idea what I'm doing

I'm going to sink.



I stood back up and slapped both of my hands onto my cheeks.

Get your senses together! I pressed my lips together. 

I wouldn't be defeated by this. I decided to come to this company. I decided to agree to that old man's dying wish... because it was the right thing to do. Because he only had their best interests at heart, and maybe one day I would understand why he chose me. But now this was personal. This guy... he was challenging me even though one could say that I had this one coming... I would accept it because I had nothing to hide nor fear...

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