The Secrets We Hold

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"How did you..."

"I was studying at the library and I saw you... did you want me to drive past you?"

"Well, you probably would have done so any other day."

"You've been taking the bus a lot, right?"

How did he know? Was there a secret group chat about me? What had Nathan been telling everyone?

"I do, but what does that..."

"Hop in."

Was he feeling generous tonight? Or did he plan on driving me to the middle of nowhere, hoping I would turn into roadkill while hiking my way back?

"I just..." he looked up at me seriously as I spoke.

"It's cold outside, hurry up..." I paused momentarily and then got into the car. As soon as I put my seat belt on we were driving away. We didn't exchange a word while he drove us home.

When we reached the drop-off area, he parked. I assumed he wanted me to get out first and I was right. I saw him heading towards the massive parking garage. I stood there a little baffled by what just happened. But I made it home and well before 11pm which was a nice change whenever I had an outing I attended.

I avoided going out not just because of my circumstances but this mansion was cut off from major landmarks and spaces I could go to after work without wondering how I would trek back.

When I got back to my room it felt like I would dissolve into my bedding. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep


I woke up earlier than usual and decided to have a shower before I started my day.

Nathan had asked me to come to the office so I would. I dreaded wearing formal clothes again, but it was a part of my duties while I lived here.

When I was walking down the steps Charlie flew by me. Before I could greet him he was already out the door. He, like Jackson, was next to impossible to have a direct conversation with while sober or even in the same room.

Edna, who looked healthy as an ox again, had finished making my breakfast. When I sat down at the table Kai also showed up. I was about to leave, but he raised his hand. I sat there quietly as he ate across from me. When I was done I left the table. Edna watched me carefully as I left.

I held my hand to my chest, thinking about how straining it felt being around him, and I didn't know why...

I decided to walk it off before work, but I found myself in the opposite end of the mansion in a completely separate wing. I realized I needed to head back again.

However, as I was walking back, Cassandra passed by me a few metres away. On instinct, I slid over to the left side hiding behind a pillar. She was on the phone with someone.

"Well, he's not my son, and therefore not my problem... I already told myself I wouldn't get involved no matter how pathetic that boy was..." I leaned in trying to understand who she was talking about.

"He brought it upon himself. He's just like his grandmother. Timid, shy, submissive..." she laughed and then added: "I mean, for heaven's sake, if you're being beaten up nearly every single day without telling someone what does that say about yourself? You're beyond help..." she continued to prattle on and I snuck up slowly behind her, hiding behind what I could.

"Yes... you know, the quietest son I'm always telling you about... it's Charlie... yes, he's the one being harassed like a fool..." she scoffed and then added, "like I said, I'm not the parent, but..." she continued speaking but by then I had stopped in my tracks.

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