It Can Happen To Anyone Of Us

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Some time after I gave the guitar pick to Charlie he opened up a little bit more to me about what kind of music he played, how long he played, and what new pieces he wanted to learn...

I was happy that this created more opportunities for us to talk...


Before I knew it my birthday arrived. I celebrated with Rae as we originally planned. We went to dinner and then went to an art exhibit shortly after.

I thought about how excited I used to be when I celebrated my birthday with my mom. Over time, however, I didn't place much significance on the day. It wasn't until I met Rae that I made it a point to go out and 'celebrate.'

When I got back to Ravenwolf Edna asked me to come to the kitchen. When I did, James, Charlie, Kenz, and Edna were there with a birthday cake. They sang me Happy Birthday and we all ate together. 

I got a few gifts from them which I gratefully accepted. After our late night snack, I thanked them all again and headed to my room.

When I did I closed the door quietly. I looked down at the bracelet that Henry gave me and smiled.

I rubbed the back of my neck and placed the gifts I got from them down on my desk. I looked over at my bed and there was a present there. I looked around briefly and then approached the box. I opened it, and there were a handful of top-of-the-line paint brushes. 

I opened the card with it and gasped. There were 2 front row seats to a sold out musical that I had wanted to see... whoever got this for me was now officially my guardian angel... but who... if everyone downstairs already gave me... did they all pitch in? No... I didn't think that was the case... maybe it was Nathan? I had mentioned it before... I grinned, ear to ear, hugging onto the new paint brush set and my tickets...


The next day I couldn't help but think about all the people who made my birthday the best it has ever been in a long time. For that, I was grateful.

When I was at the studio I suppose people noticed how elated I looked.

When one of the students needed a colour I told her I would get it from the drawer for her.

While I was looking for it I saw an ID in one of the drawers... maybe it was dropped by accident? When I picked it up, it was West's... he didn't come to his last class and I didn't have any way to contact him. 

The only thing I knew was the hospital he told me his mother was staying at... although it wouldn't be my place to go... I should return this to him... since I didn't know when I'd see him again.

If I can't find him, I would just give it to the police station.

So after my class I decided to go to the hospital. I bought a bouquet of flowers so as not to be rude about visiting unexpectedly...

When I came to the reception area and I inquired about his mother they told me that she wasn't a patient at the hospital.

"I'm sorry," the nurse said.

"Maybe... she has a different last name... would you have a record of her son coming?" the nurse shook their head.

"If it was in the ward you were speaking of, and based on your description we should know... my apologies ma'am."

"It's alright it's not your fault... maybe I have the wrong hospital..."

The nurse nodded and I left defeated. That was impossible. This was the only hospital he mentioned and the closest one... how odd... I shrugged it off. 

Maybe I misheard?

I looked up and saw James in the distance. I couldn't believe I was running into him again... he spotted me and jogged towards me.

"I didn't expect to see you here. Everything alright?"

"Yes... I may have gotten the wrong hospital... but--"

"You wanted to visit someone?"

"Well, actually... it's because one of my students dropped their ID and I wanted to return it..." I brought it out of my pocket and showed James. He analyzed it for a moment.

"Why don't you drop it off at the police station?"

"I may have to... maybe he reported it missing?" James nodded and I sighed. "So, you're here..."

"Oh, I volunteer here from time to time because I know the staff very well. I'll be entering into my practical's next semester so I wanted to familiarize myself with the environment. So I file patient information, stock medical supplies, escort patients..." I smiled and he chuckled a bit. "But I have a coffee break now, want to join me?"


We walked beside one another to the nearest cafe in the hospital and sat quietly in front of one another.

"I... was curious about Jackson," James looked up at me not surprised by my inquiry. I blew the steam away from my cup.

"I thought so," he said.

"You're not... going to avoid me on this matter?" James shook his head.

"After everything I'm sure you've gotten acquainted with his personality. I have nothing to hide," I sighed.

"Why is he like that?" James paused for a moment. He was lightly tapping his finger on his coffee cup. He seemed to be analyzing the situation. How to share without oversharing perhaps?

"I think it's... " he cleared his throat and then said, "...his self-preservation that is even stronger than mine or Kai's, as hard as that is to comprehend... he's just created... no... perfected a charming exterior so it's difficult to make sense of what he does and why he does it until you look deeper... it's complicated."

"I think I understand a little."

"But he seems to be interested in you," I nearly spat out my coffee. James laughed. I looked up at him shocked. He passed me a tissue. "I mean... I'm sure he's used to getting his way from the people he charms..."

"You're kidding?"

"Partly, but honestly... not really."

"I wouldn't hesitate to put him in a headlock if he messes with me again," James smiled again, looking out to his right ever so slightly. I hadn't seen him laugh or smile like this much... it looked dazzling...

He insisted on walking me out so I let him take me to the front of the hospital.

When we got close to one of the curbs I turned to him and he passed me my flowers.

"Don't forget these."

"If you didn't pick them up right after we left I would have," I chuckled a bit while reaching out to grab onto the bouquet."

"Be careful not to catch a cold with all your work and get some rest when you get home..." I waved at him and he waved back. I smiled while turning around.

Before I knew it, I could hear the engine of a car driving at full force towards me.

They weren't stopping.

In a matter of seconds, I dropped the flowers instantly and brought my hands to my face. Bracing for what was about to happen next...

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