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Nathan passed me a glass of water. I could hardly hold it. I was shaking. He gripped his hand around mine to stabilize my grip.

"What is happening right now?"

"You are being given a choice, Miss. Rose."

"What choice? It sounds pretty set in stone to me."

"You are sounding quite unlike someone who just inherited a multi-billion dollar corporation."

"I don't want it," I looked at him, and my hands seemed to have stopped shaking. He removed his hands from my own. He kneeled in front of me.

"Henry said you would say this."

"Did he also tell you why he chose to do something this crazy?" Nathan smiled.

"I never questioned Mr. Ravenwolf's motives"



"Then you're just as crazy as him."

"Perhaps... but this is his last wish."

"I don't want this. I don't want any part of that" I pointed towards the door and Nathan nodded.

"They are-"

"I can tell exactly what kind of person they think I am"

The family lawyer cleared his throat, and I turned to him. I seemed to have gathered my senses. I gulped down the glass of water.

"Then at least please watch the video Mr. Henry Ravenwolf left specifically for you..."

"This is insane."

"Perhaps" I glared at him, and the lawyer got the video ready on the laptop. "Let's see what final choice you will make..."


I walked out of the room feeling strange. I wasn't as apprehensive before. I was still in awe of the situation. I was still unsure of myself and how I felt about this situation. But after fifteen minutes of hearing that old man speak, I had a feeling that what I was about to do may or may not bite me back one of these days. 

Was it intrigue? Was it sympathy?

I wasn't aware of what kind of consequences would occur, but I knew that for now my plan was to go forward. There was something disturbing my heart. Something I knew deep down if I ran away, I would be turning my back against this old man's good intentions. Even though I didn't owe this old man anything as he didn't owe me anything, he did something so outrageous.

Half a billion dollars.

An entire automotive company.

At the end of the day, I couldn't complain about these circumstances. It was rare. Something we saw in movies. I was just going to be a part if this play. For as long as was required of me. I knew that stepping into that lion's den was the least desirable part of this plan. But for the sake of what needed to unfold itself... I was going to take that leap... that very dangerous leap.

Without Nathan by my side, I re-entered that room where that family was still gathered. I stood much more firmly and exhaled. They were all standing now, staring at me. Anticipating... Nathan stepped forward.

"Miss. Rose... will move into Ravenwolf residence in the next few days," I clutched my right fist into a ball. I could see amusement, anger, and disgust cross the faces of the family in front of me. I stared at Kai, who caught my gaze, but this time I was able to return the fire coming from his irises.

Ravenwolf's RoseWhere stories live. Discover now