To Be The Best

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After I left Ravenwolf Co., I told Nathan I would need some time to process a few things... processing was finding the nearest boxing gym and beating the hell out of the punching bag.

On my way there, I couldn't stop thinking about our confrontation...

I should have hit him in the face when I had a chance to... that way, he would learn the hard way. To not touch me like that ever again, or face the wrath of Hazel Rose... even if he was upset, it was still unacceptable. 

I kept thinking about how I could avenge myself...

When I finished hurling consecutive punches one after the other at the gym I must have caught an audience because when I finished they were all staring at me jaw-dropped. I took off my gloves, paced a little, and then sat down on the mat. What kind of unfortunate fate this was...

I really wasn't this meek, vulnerable person. Sure, I may come from a different upbringing, but being that rich didn't give you permission to be a horrible person. I wanted to give him space to vent. To be the bigger person. And look where it got me... thinking that I should have reacted more. I punched the air a few times out of frustration.

I should have slugged him when I had the chance... I exhaled, holding my head and regretting not grabbing him back. Yes, I was surprised by his actions, and I didn't want to stir the metaphoric pot but still... he probably doesn't regret what he said and did...

I sighed deeply again, pulling my body backwards, and laying down on the mat. I looked up at the large ceiling fan whirling around. I paid close attention to the rumbling sound of the motor, and I found a sense of peace again...


The next day I went to the art studio a little worn out from that intense boxing session. After laying on the mat for several more minutes yesterday, I got up again completely re-charged, and I couldn't stop imagining Kai smirking at me on the punching bag, so I don't know how long I was there exactly, but the sweat was pouring off of my body before I decided to leave.

I was sitting down now, thinking about what to do next.

I had come this far but attempting to proceed was another issue. I could have all the courage in the world, but I needed to think properly on how to approach the main issue at hand. My ignorance on everything about the automotive industry, about cars, about design in this field... I would have to start fresh. I would need a crash course in all the above, and I had no idea where to start...

"Hazel!" I heard Rae shout abruptly. I turned to her, somewhat dazed, and she rushed over and grabbed a little hand that was in front of my face. A young girl had been painting my face probably for the last several minutes. 

"Abigail, this isn't very nice to do to Miss. Rose's face."

"Teacher told us we can draw when we feel inspired? I just wanted to make our teacher look prettier..." I looked at Rae and she stifled a laugh. I wondered what I looked like. Abigail was a 'problem child,' in our 5-7 age bracket range class. 

Her mischievous behavior was sugar-coated with her seemingly 'innocent intentions,' but we knew better. She was just a little spoiled brat who didn't want to be here, but whose parents worked a lot, and wanted to help 'develop a hobby,' because she was expected to go into medicine like them. 

It was a heavy burden for a 7-year-old. Rae asked another teacher to come in to take Abigail away. She then grabbed my arm and brought me to the bathroom.

I looked at my face in horror and shrilled. I started rubbing it off of my face with warm water.

"What a little devil..."

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