I Don't Want You To Get Hurt...

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James was driving back from the library when he reached out to Hazel.

After he heard her the first time he knew something was wrong. When he called the second time another woman answered. When she told him who she was he knew she was the one Nathan told him about. She didn't know about Hazel's circumstances.

He was only about 15 minutes away from their location so he told them to wait for him. When he arrived he saw Hazel passed out in Rae's arms. He immediately rushed over. His medic instincts took over. Rae asked who he was and he told her he was the one she spoke to and confirmed his identity with his phone.

"How long has she been like this?" her pulse was a little unusual. It was a little weak but it seemed like she was in a deep sleep.

"Since you called..." Rae was observing James. She thought he looked familiar. How did he know Hazel? Was he a doctor?

"We should take her to a hospital to be safe."

"She could have drank something--"

"These aren't signs of slight alcohol poisoning. She's not throwing up and her hands aren't clammy, among other obvious signs..." he pointed to her hands and Rae's heart suddenly started racing. Rae already knew Hazel didn't drink much. And certainly not tonight. 

"Let's hurry up" Rae nodded and James helped Hazel up. Rae and James brought her to his car. Hazel was mumbling a little. They carefully laid her down in the backseat.

When Rae got in the passenger seat she looked at James a little closely and gasped.

"What happened?!" James looked back and Rae pointed at him.

"I remember now... you had a one night stand with Hazel."


"You totally did..." she then threw her finger into the air pointing at him accusingly. James was baffled. Where would she get an idea like that? 

"That night you were embarrassed in the bar. I mean, it serves you right. But why would she call you?" James stared at her shocked.

But he realized that night... if this person was there. Given the circumstances, Hazel probably had to give an excuse for having poured beer over him... he couldn't believe the lengths she was going to keep her secret. James started driving ahead.

"We... talked things over... we met for... coffee recently..." now that technically wasn't' a lie. "So... we're friends..." Rae raised her eyebrow suspiciously. "Look, now is really not the time" Rae cleared her throat and nodded.


When they got to the emergency room, he told the nurses he believed she was drugged. Rae almost fainted at the thought and then suddenly got angry. Who would do this to her friend? For what reason?

They took her in immediately for observation. Rae, who was holding onto her hand tightly when they put her on a bed to wheel her away had difficulty letting go. James held onto her shoulder and told her not to worry. He trusts the staff here. She'll be fine.

They both went to the waiting room together. James excused himself to make a few calls. Last he heard Nathan and Kai would be at the office late in order to close a deal. When he finally got in touch with Nathan he updated him.

Nathan and Kai immediately agreed to go to the hospital.

It was around 10:30pm when the two of them left Ravenwolf Co.

Kai couldn't believe this was happening. What more was going to happen to her? Why was she always getting hurt? He didn't know what her life was like before Ravenwolf but it couldn't have been this problematic.

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