When Two Hearts Finally Meet

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"Let's try... I think we can..." I laughed again while snuggling into his chest...

It was pleasantly quiet our entire way back to the hotel... with nothing but our beating hearts and the stars lighting our path...


We parted when we reached the hotel. Jackson was already back and he looked totally wore out. 

I'm sure he spent the entire afternoon with that young woman.

When Kai tried to grab my hand again I pushed him away and shook my head. He sighed and nodded.

I went over to greet Jackson and he was happy we were both back...

Then, early the next morning we were on the private jet again going back to Ravenwolf.

The entire time Jackson was sleeping and listening to music Kai did some work.

I had wished I brought a sketchbook but given the circumstances... 

Just when I thought I would be bored for part of the trip, Kai handed me a bag and there were some brushes, paints and a sketch book in there... my eyes lit up a little while he cleared his throat... I smiled while looking over to make sure Jackson was asleep and then kissed his cheek.

Kai looked at me surprised and I scurried back over to my seat. After some time I fell asleep... and when I woke up there was a blanket on top of me. It felt oddly familiar... I remembered the time I had a blanket covered over me when I was working on that project that Kai challenged me to complete...

I looked over to Kai who was still working and I asked: "that time too... did you help me?" he looked at me confused and then I shook the blanket briefly in front of me and he turned away immediately... it seemed like I tugged at a few of his heart strings...

"If you had gotten a cold..." he mumbled and I saw his ears flush red... I smiled to myself, satisfied by his answer and I laid back in my seat.

It felt like my happiness had been locked in a container and now that it was released, it was running wild and free.


We arrived at Ravenwolf late in the evening.

While I went to the kitchen to get a drink, Jackson went to his room and Kai followed after me saying he wanted to make some tea...

When we were alone together there was silence between us again... I looked around a little before approaching him. I placed my phone on the counter and then leaned in to hug him from the back. I could feel his hand reach out to graze the top of my fingers. However, in a matter of seconds, we heard something in the distance and I parted immediately from him. He turned away to look at some of the cabinets like he was inspecting them while I opened the fridge to pretend I was searching for something.

I peered over and I saw Edna. She was yawning when she entered the room.

"Are you two hungry? Do you want me to make you something?"

"No, no... we're fine..." I said as Edna brushed passed me to get a glass of water. She wished us a goodnight and when she left we both exhaled in relief at the same time. Then, a small grin formed at the edge of Kai's lips and I couldn't help but laugh.

I covered my mouth nervously while looking around.

When the coast was clear Kai slid over beside me and took a hold of my hands again.

"When will we be able to tell everyone we're in love?" he leaned in while whispering into my ear... his deep, sexy voice sent vibrations into my heart. I pushed him away while looking over his shoulder.

"Just for a little while longer..." I watched Kai's eyebrows furrow together so I pressed my finger in-between his eyebrows and smiled.

"There's a lot of time ahead of us. I want it to come out naturally... there's a lot going on right now with this family..." he simply nodded and I patted the top of his head. I had to go on my tippy-toes again and that seemed to amuse him.

"Sometime soon rather than later, maybe?" he said while he confidently hugged me again. He  lifted me slightly up into the air and I smacked his shoulder lightly.

"Hey!" when he put me down he gently placed his hand on my cheek.

"I want everyone to know we're together..."

"Are you trying to weaken my resolve?" he nodded towards me and I cupped his cheeks in-between my hands and made a playful but annoyed look. He then released his hand from my warm cheek and gently kissed the top of my forehead

"Goodnight..." he said after grabbing his cup of tea. When he left I stood there a little stunned...

Moments later I hugged myself and spun around in a circle...

What a feeling this was...

Only days ago I thought that I would never be with Kai...

I took out my water bottle and filled it up with water and then headed towards the hallway.

When I was halfway up the stairs I heard the front door open. It was Gerald and Cassandra. I then quickly dashed upstairs.

I watched them a little from the top of the steps. I saw Gerald help Cassandra with her coat but she seemed disinterested. When Gerald had her coat in his hands she walked away from him... I couldn't help but watch Gerald quietly turn...

Sometimes I really didn't understand that woman...

It wasn't like she had to be that cold to people...

I sighed while walking up to my room.


Before I went to bed that night I realized I forgot my phone in the kitchen. 

Shortly after I arrived to pick it up I heard someone walking towards the room while talking on their phone.

It was pretty late so I wondered who it was... and since I hadn't turned on the lights when I got in the kitchen I felt a little badly about it... but when I heard Cassandra's voice get closer to me my first instinct was to hide.

I crouched behind the island right after she turned the lights on. I could hear her stop talking for a moment... maybe she was checking to see if anyone was here? I crawled to the other side and peered over to see that she was actually checking! I held my chest in relief that I had moved a little...

I sat behind the far end of the island until she returned to the front part of the kitchen and then I slowly made my way back... at this point I just needed to wait it out. If I popped out like a jack in the box I'm sure she would attempt to sue me for something...

Her voice was still a bit low but I could hear her say: "I already told him several times mom, but he won't budge... you know how he gets when it's about protecting this family name... I told him I was sorry for keeping it from him all these years and now I wanted to be a real family and he just... he doesn't agree with me..." at this point I could hear her grabbing a wine glass.

"Of course he wants her to know but he doesn't want to upset her... he's just a coward... but you know how much more influence he has and he's not using it. It's a waste..."

What on earth was she talking about? Did it have something to do with Nathan?

"If Gerald found out of course he would try and divorce me but there's a remedy to that. I'll be with Nathan... I'd rather be with him than a useless man..."

"Mom, I tried that already, but he said he would prevent Gerald from finding out if I threatened him with the results. This never-ending shit is getting me nowhere... "

What results?

"I don't want to talk about this with you again. You'll get your money. You know as long as Mackenzie is Nathan's daughter we'll never have to worry about anything..."

My heart froze at that moment...

What did she just say?

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