"What mistakes?"

"Everything! Raising my voice at you, crushing the washing machine, breaking your favorite flower pot!"

"Um... I'm not really angry at you..."

"Yes! So please forgive... me...?" Kirishima raised his head toward her.

"Sure I was sad because that flower was so pretty and we have to buy another washing machine. But I'm not actually angry at you..."

"It's just... Well yes, I am angry but... How should I say this? I can't get angry at you... And I feel really bad for even thinking about getting angry at you so... I've been... meaning to apologize sooner but-"

"[Name]!!" Kirishima literally jumped toward her, wrapping his arms around her tightly.

"U-Um... Sorry..." She muttered against his chest.

"Let's just forget what happened and return to how we usually are!" Kirishima grinned.

"I love you so much!" He exclaimed.

Ryuu wiped an imaginary tear.

"So manly..."

Shinsou Hitoshi

[Name] stared at her husband, who was bowing down in front of her. He was apologizing, formally.

"I am very sorry, [Name]." He began.

"Ever since that day, I have been reflecting on all my wrongs. I swear I will not repeat the same mistake ever again."

"Three days without you is already bad for me. I really cannot live without you. If you are planning to ignore me for another day, then I think I would die before I can see your smile for the last time."

Shinsou's back was already aching.

"Please give me another chance."

[Name] stared at him, feeling bad. Was it too much to ignore him for three days? She fiddled with her fingers.

"Don't..." Shinsou raised his head.

"Don't do that again..." She mumbled.

"I won't. I swear."

"... Okay then... I guess I'm sorry too..." She muttered with a small smile.

A sigh of relief escaped from Shinsou's mouth as he stopped bowing at her. He grinned and hugged [Name], nuzzling his face on top of her head.

"... love you..." She could hear him mumble against her head.

Hayato was listening from his room. It looks like the words he arranged for his father worked out somehow. He's glad he could help them.

Kaminari Denki

"Why should I apologize to her?" Kaminari pouted while sulking.

"She was the one who didn't even hear my explanation. I tried so hard to get her to listen but she won't." Kaminari huffed and the front door suddenly opened.

"I don't even know how she could- [Name]-chan! Welcome home, darling!"

Rai stared at his father, who was trying to get his mother's attention.

"I have an announcement to make!" Kaminari exclaimed.

He took out his phone and gave it to his wife.

"Look! I don't have any girls' numbers here! Well, except for a few old classmates... And look, my gallery is as clean as ever, there has never been any photos of any other woman except you!"

"I've thrown away all the DVDs with my favorite actresses! Don't worry, I won't watch them anymore! I will also keep my distance with any women I meet!"

[Name] stared at him, uninterested.

"Why would you do that?" She asked.

"Huh? Well, I want to assure you that I'm not cheating on you so..."

"I already knew that." She said.

"Huh? B-but then why..."

"If I know you're the type to have an affair then I wouldn't have married you."

Kaminari jumped around in excitement.

"See that? I told you we are alright!" Kaminari said to Rai, who ignored him. He proceeded to hug his wife in joy.

"But then why did you get mad at me?" He pouted childishly at her.

"Stress relieving."

Amajiki Tamaki

"What should I do... to make her look at me again?" Tamaki asked.

"Shiori said that if you really cried, Mom will forgive you." Shin said.

"H-huh?! I'm... I'm always trying to hold it in... So I need to cry?"

"Well, I don't think that's gonna work..."

"I'm home." [Name] voice echoed through the room. Tamaki turned toward her.

"[Name]?" He called out.

"Yeah?" She answered but she didn't look at her. Tamaki turned to Shin, who literally has the same face at him and was looking back at him.

Tamaki walked toward his wife. He slowly wrapped his arms around her.

"U-Um... I'm really sorry..." He muttered.

"I... should have been... more... um, manly..." Tamaki was suddenly reminded of a certain junior he had back in high school.

"I... miss you... really really miss you..."

[Name] was feeling really bad so she turned around and face him. Her jaws dropped to the floors.

"Tamaki! Don't cry!"

She frantically wiped the tears on his face and hugged him back.

"I'm not mad, okay?! I'm really happy now, see?! I will never ever spend a day without looking at you anymore!"

"R-Really?" Tamaki asked, looking at her.

"I swear on my life!"

Tamaki finally broke into a smile after a few days having a frown.

"Thank goodness...!"

"Now that I have committed a heavy crime of making you cry, I must atone for my sins. Please let me redeem myself." [Name] said as she walked toward the door.

"Don't go..." Tamaki pouted, not letting her leave his arms.

"I cannot! This is to atone my sins!"

"I-It can wait later! You don't even have to do it!"

Shin also smiled for the first tike in those few days, watching his family returns to normal.


Can we all pretend that those three chapters didn't happen? :(

And here's a strange thing that happened after I wrote those chapters: My parents have been fighting for days, raising their voices at each other. Is this a karma for making every single one of you fight with your imaginary... husbands...?

So let's pretend that didn't happen and all is well! :D

Also, congratulations to everyone who voted for him! You can expect seeing Takami Keigo and Dabi in a few chapters!

Let us pay some respects for Daddyzawa and the others who didn't make it...

Thank you for reading!

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