"I don't have any of my clothes with me so I guess you'd rather drive me home. Wait, I went by my car to the company yesternight. Where is it? How did you know I was there in the first place? "

"Well for one, you don't need a change of clothes because you're not going to work today, two your car is in my garage, three I had some people follow you and they easily came to your aid and four, I tracked your phone. "

"You put a tracker on my phone? How dare you?"

"How dare I? If it weren't for me you could've been kidnapped or worse, "he cringed when he said the last part.

"And why do you suddenly care so much if I'm alive or dead? You are really pissing me off," I hadn't realized that we were shouting at each other. I could almost swear that he wanted to say something. I looked into his eyes which were urgently glaring into mine in a state of fury. He searched my eyes in a deep kind of urgency which I matched to his. I watched as his featured reduced all that anger to calmness.

"You are staying here for another night Champagne. No discussion," I took the chance that I had of being close to him and poked at his rock hard chest.

"You are not the boss of me and I will sleep wherever I want. "

"No matter how much you annoy me, I can and will never allow you to be alone to face danger. Plus, if you badly need clothes, I will get them for you. Just give me the keys to your place," he said.

"How can I be sure if I can trust you?"

"You are in my house for goodness sake," he said rolling his eyes. I dug into my pocket and took out my keys.

"In case you need to take a swim, there is stuff for you to use and a clean pair of sweats for you to use on my bed. I'll be back and don't you even think of leaving the house, "he warned.


I slowly slid the glass doors that led to the outside of his backyard where the pool was open. It was huge and I wondered if he held parties there. I had already changed to my costume which I had already worn underneath for reasons best known to me which was black with white cursives drown on it. I held the towel provided on my hand and placed it in one of the chairs. I sat on the edge of the pool and dipped my legs in. The water's temperature was an inviting kind of cold and I slowly wadded my way into the water feeling relaxed as I got deeper.

My hands moved in sync with the water as I created ripples using them. I lowered my head and felt the water engulf my scalp in a welcoming manner. I smiled and let myself loose floating on the water. I allowed the water to carry me in the pool as I felt the cool breeze of the night brush over me. I wasn't sure if I was daydreaming but the next thing that I felt was a body maneuver in the water. I brushed it off as nothing but just a pigment of my imagination and continued to keep my eyes closed. I suddenly felt strong arms grip my waist and I gasped disrupting my peaceful moment.

"Scared much?" asked Blake stifling a laugh.

"Don't you ever do that to me again. I'm glad that my fear brings pleasure to you," I said sarcastically. I pushed at his chest using my left foot which he managed to hold. He pulled me towards him abruptly, surprising me. He lifted me with ease to the edge of the water on the ground.

"What was that for? "

"I want us to play a game called dive in,"

"And why would I agree to that? "

"Just trust me Champagne, "

"Fine, how is it played?" I shrugged.

"You move a few steps backwards and dive into the water while I try to catch you from here, " he said.

"That's stupid," I said irritably.

"Just do it." I stood from where I was and did exactly as he instructed. Sure enough, he caught me while in the water.

"Wow. I didn't know you had reflex skills. Hmm," I said. The only light that illuminated the pool was the moonlight which was particularly bright that evening.

"Why didn't you switch on the lights when you came in? "I asked while he let me go and we waddled in the water like ducks.

"I didn't need it, did you? "

"It's kind of dark in here don't you think? "

"The moonlight is always enough for me," he said as he swam towards me and I moved further back doing my best to create space between us.

"What about the time when there's no moonlight? What do you do then?"

"I don't swim. I can only swim at night and swimming under the moonlight is always interesting. It's utterly boring to swim in the presence of artificial light," he said. I noticed that I had finally reached the edge of the pool. "Besides, the moonlight is also suitable for certain scenes," he said in a low voice.

The water was beautifully dancing around our chests and he towered above me while his chest glimmered in the moonlight. I had no idea why I didn't move or push him away. I just stayed out with my annoying subconscious constantly telling me to both stay and move away in the long run. I felt as his hands moved to settle on either side of me on the bars near the edge. Suddenly I couldn't breathe.

The thing was that, no matter how much many times I wanted to stop what was about to happen, I couldn't bring myself to do it. I didn't think I wanted to.

"You bitch! " shouted a shrill female voice.
"Ah! "I exclaimed as I felt my hair pulled upwards.

"What the hell Corrine?!" asked a then frustrated Blake.

"Get out of there and come at me you slut! " shouted Corrine as she threw my head back in the water. I was fully enraged. How dare she? I easily resurfaced since I was a good swimmer and easily made my way out if the pool. It took all the energy and anger I had in me to give her the hot slap that she deserved.

"Noone talks to me like that and I am no slut. I will not condone your assault," I said angrily.

"What is she doing here Jésus? Why is she in your house... Our pool? Why is she sharing the pool with you in the moonlight like we used to? I thought that was our thing. Tell her to leave, " said Corrine boldly.

"Corrine, couple of things; one, this is my pool and house so my house, my rules, second, Aramina is my guest and third, you don't get to insult her in my presence. What are you doing here in the first place?"

"I came to see you honey. I missed you terribly, "she said as she hugged him.

"Corrine, what did I say about barging into my house like that? "

"But I missed you and I didn't expect to find you with her. She makes my blood boil, "said Corrine venomously.

"I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do about that. If you don't like it then you can leave, "he said.

"No forget it Blake. I'll be the one to leave, " I said as I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked into the house bile rising to my throat.


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