"No. Now let's go." [Name] said with a frown while Dabi was snickering at his daughter.

[Name] took Akemi to her new kindergarten. When she returned, Dabi saw the look on her face and raised a brow.

"What happened? A hero got you?" He asked nonchalantly, sipping tea from his cup.

"You know about Midoriya Izuku and friends right?" She asked.

"Well duh."

"Their children are all at Akemi's kindergarten."

There was a sound of something crashing to the floors.

The Child

Akemi has a black hair and turquoise eyes, just like her father, duh. Her face is quite pretty and she bears some resemblances with her mother. Dabi was actually grateful for it.

She's a really chill one, always having an uninterested look on her face and always sprouting sarcasm, much to Dabi's delight.

She may not look like it but she can get very affectionate with the one she cares about.

She has a rude mouth. People wondered how she learnt foul languages like that since her mother looks nice and her father... has never been seen at all.

Boys are actually scared of her because she looks stronger than them, and it's the truth.


Dabi only goes to the convenience store.

He never goes to the market.

He robbed the market.

"Why isn't Dad coming with us?" Akemi asked when she was out together with her mother.

"If the polices and heroes see him, he'll be taken to jail." [Name] said.

"Really? Then he should have come with us."

[Name] stared at her daughter with wide eyes. Akemi didn't notice her and continued to look around the market. When they were finished, they were about to pay for their things.

Until a loud explosion erupted from outside.

"Villains! Villains!"

[Name] stared at the towering, blue flames on the street. She could see a hooded man and a masked woman. Even a purple warp gate was present.

Ever since they retired, they have been doing those kinds of thing for fun. [Name] wondered why they even bother to retire in the first place.

"Is that Dad?" [Name] quickly covered Akemi's mouth so people won't hear her.


If the teacher hadn't force her to do her essay, she will never touch it.

"The name's Akemi." Akemi muttered in front of the audience.

"Mom's really nice. I like her."

"Dad's so-so."

The teacher gestured to her from behind the stage. Akemi rolled her eyes at her.

"Mom's really kind. She always listens to my problems and she's really caring. I love her." Akemi said.

"Dad is..." She racked her brain, trying to find some good points about her father.

"... just fine. Thank you." She immediately walked down from the stage.

The parents were all whispering to each other, thinking that she may be a child of a broken family or she doesn't have a good relationship with her father.

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