(HF) Chapter Twenty: Aquaria's Grave

Start from the beginning

Thalone: It isn't hurting me in the slightest! I have been working towards this for years, Aquaria! 

Mikoto: And it drove you to madness! You didn't even recognize me when you sent your soldiers out to defeat Hoshido, and I was killed by your resurrected fighters!

Thalone: Aquaria, I didn't kno--

Mikoto: You have been consumed by your rage, and I refuse to stand for it!

Thalone: I've had enough of this. We have company. Take care of them. 

Mikoto: But--

Thalone: That's an order!

(Purple flames pick up around both copies of Mikoto. They stand limply for a moment before returning to their full heights. Many other invisible soldiers appear around them as Thalone retreats back into the palace.)

Shigure: They must know that we're here. We should prepare for the battle and power through them before Thalone can call on any reinforcements. 

Kana: I wonder what he was talking about during that conversation... 

Kanaya: I don't know, but I think that we should do what Shigure said. We don't want them to surprise us while we're here thinking.

Lyci: In that case, let's get ready. We have quite the battle ahead of us. 

(The battle begins. The camera pans over to the top of the map, showing the two copies of Mikoto next to each other. However, there are other familiar faces nearby, among them being Reina, Fuga, Mozu, Silas, Izana, and Yukimura.)

Sophie: Wait a moment... Is that...?

Kana: No... It can't be... Right?

Shiro: All of them... They fought as retainers of the Hoshidan royal family in the final battle against the invisible soldiers. 

Tempest: I guess that they really did pass away like we suspected... 

Kiragi: Now he's bringing them back to fight against us? That's messed up!

Sumiko: I wonder if we'll wind up running into our parents... 

Galatea: Regardless of if we do, we have to free them from their suffering. They won't be able to rest in peace until after we defeat them, so this is the least that we can do to ease their pain. 

Caeldori: This is where the real test begins. If Thalone thinks that pitting us against our family and friends will break our spirits, he's going to find that he couldn't be more incorrect. 

Sophie:  If that version of my father really is from the timeline where Hoshido won the war, then that isn't the one that I came to know and love... 

Kana: I bet that Thalone is waiting until we get closer to make us face that sort of reality... 

Jasper: That can't be my mother then... If she really is from the Hoshidan timeline, then... It isn't the one that I know... What a relief. 

Midori: There's not a moment to waste now. Let's show him who the real winners are here!

(If Kanaya initiates combat with Mikoto, this dialogue plays out.)

Mikoto: You look so similar to them... Do you know Corrin...?

Kanaya: Y-Yes... 

Mikoto: Then you must share my blood... Draconic child, come with me... I will love you forever... 

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