9~ She's One!

877 13 24

A. Happy birthday!
Leilani looked up from her crib and smiled. I laughed and picked her up from her crib. I placed a big kiss on her cheek and brought her to the kitchen  where everyone was. They all screamed happy birthday when we entered the kitchen and she flinched, but started giggling right away. Logan ran over to us and took her from my hands.
L. My baby is one!
He threw her up in the air and she giggled. I smiled as I grabbed Leilani's breakfast. It consisted of yogurt with sliced berries on a separate plate. After grabbing her back from Logan, I sat down on a stool and fed her, her food. She started waving her hands around and looking up at the ceiling.

I never knew why babies found ceilings fascinating.

Today we all woke up in Logan's ranch. Last night we stayed over because we threw a bonfire outside the house. Everyone including me got drunk. Well, except for Dani. She helped take care of Leilani since she wasn't really a drinker.

Pam flew in a few days ago from Cleveland for Leilani's birthday. Greg didn't have to fly in because he was already staying in the ranch.

After I fed her, loud knocks on the door were heard. Everyone in the kitchen stopped talking and Logan got up to answer it.
L. It must be the decorations.

Yes, we were throwing Leilani a birthday party. I mean, how could we not? It was her first ever birthday. It had to be special.

Logan opened the door, and sure enough men and women entered the house. Logan spoke to them for a moment and then led them to the backyard. Everyone else continued their conversation while I finished feeding Leilani. After she finished, I walked with her to the backyard. Logan was showing them where we wanted things set up. We had already discussed this, so I didn't have to say much. I walked over to a small  pool placed for Leilani while holding Leilani's hand and watched as a bunch of men somehow managed to bring a giant carousel into the back yard.

Yes, you read right. A carousel.

Why? Because Leilani's birthday was a princess theme. Logan just wanted a carousel for no reason. Some women and men set up tables in the grass with pastel colored table clothes. One was set just outside the kitchen window for the cake and presents to go. Others blew up pastel colored balloons and placed them everywhere. Against the house, on the tables, in the house, and other places. A small ball pit was brought in and placed a few feet away from the carousel. Everyone else came out of the house and looked around.
LR. This is amazing.
I looked at Lana and smiled.
A. I know right?
She laughed and picked up Leilani.
LR. You are such a lucky little girl!
Leilani giggled and squished Lana's cheeks together. She laughed and started giggling hysterically. I laughed at Leilani. I watched as Greg and Dani washed the horses Logan bought a a few days ago. I smiled.

M. Lana!
Mike screamed from the house. She sighed and gave Leilani one last kiss in the cheek before smiling at me and heading inside.
LR. The perks of having a boyfriend, am I right?
I laughed at her. Looking down at Leilani, I picked her up and headed inside as well.
A. Let's go shower you and get you ready for your big day!
She cheered and squished my cheeks. I made funny faces at her as I took her into the bathroom and showered her.

After showering her, I brought her back into Logan's room and moisturized her before changing her into a cute pink dress with mint green lace on the bottom.

After showering her, I brought her back into Logan's room and moisturized her before changing her into a cute pink dress with mint green lace on the bottom

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His Trainer's Daughter (A Logan Paul Fan Fiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя