39~ Second Press Conference

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Today's the day. It's the second and final press conference for the fight. Last night after we announced my pregnancy to my dad, we told him not to tell anybody. He promised. I just hope he keeps it.

Logan seems pretty excited for today. Especially since his friend, Mac who lives here in London is picking us all up in a Rolls Royce with Maverick magnets attached to it.

Right now we are all getting ready. We had to wake up extra early today. So I took a shower and brushed my teeth, moisturized, did my makeup, and finally changed into my outfit for the conference. This time, I do not plan on getting up on stage like last time. I really hope the message was clear to him...


Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


After changing, I walked to the mirror and looked down at my stomach

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

After changing, I walked to the mirror and looked down at my stomach. I placed my hand softly on my stomach and rubbed it with my thumb. I can't believe I'm going to be a mom.
A. Hello my little bean. I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can, I want you to know that I love you so much already, and I only found out about you yesterday! I'm going to protect you with all I can. As long as your by my side, your safe. I know you are. Your going to change my life so much, but it's for the better. Because I'm ready for this. Really ready.

I grabbed my phone and purse, placing my phone and all the keys I'll need inside. I than walked out of my room and met everyone in the hallway. Logan and Jake were still changing.
M. Alexis!
I turned around and looked at Mike.
A. Yeah?
M. Logan's waiting for you in his room.
I nodded. Everyone started to ooh and I just rolled my eyes and laughed. When I made it to Logan's room, I knocked. He opened seconds later and smiled when he saw me.
L. Come in.
He was only wearing a vest jacket under and his suit pants. They were the same design as my dress.
L. I really need your help putting this tie on.
I laughed. I grabbed the tie off his hand and placed it around his neck. I placed it properly around and tied it. I than flattened his vest and tie. I walked over to his closet and grabbed his jacket. I helped him put it on and attached the silver Maverick pin on the side.
L. You know me so well
He smiled at me and pecked my lips.
A. I know I do.
He laughed, he brought me to his chest and placed a hand on my stomach
L. I still can't believe it
A. I can't either
L. You can't really tell, but you've got a small belly
I looked down. And I noticed it.
A. Oh wow, I can't believe I never noticed!
We both laughed
L. We're becoming parents, Alexis! I'm so excited.
I laughed
L. I want a little Logan running around the living room
A. For him to yell cuss words? No, Logan! And you better not teach it that!
He laughed
L. Never
He smirked
A. Or your stupid stunts!
L. Of course not!
I rolled my eyes
A. I'm serious!
L. I am to?!
He grabbed my hair and pushed his lips against mine, I quickly kissed back but than pulled away. I laughed
L. Why are you laughing
I wiped his lips off with my finger
A. You got some pink lipstick
I giggled. He smirked
L. As long as it came from those lips I'm fine!
I rolled my eyes
A. Common! We're going to be late!
L. Doesn't matter!
A. Of course it does! The Logang is depending on you! I'm depending on you!
L. And now I like to think my baby is depending on me.
A. He or she is!
I tapped his nose and grabbed his hand.
A. By the way you look really hot!
He smirked at me
L. You know, I think we should stay!
I laughed and pulled him out of the room. Jake was standing by the door wearing a red suit.
J. What took you guys so long?
Jake groaned. Logan rolled his eyes and I laughed.
A. Nothing happened. I was just helping Logan with his outfit
M. Alright! Guys, let's go. We're going to be late!
L. I'm going on the same car as you, alright?
Logan whispered in my ear. I cupped his face in my hands and shook my head
A. No your not! Your going with Jake. I'll go in another car.
L. But I don't want to leave you!
A. You'll see me before you go on stage! I promise you!
L. Better keep it!
A. When did I ever break one that's yours?
He thought about it
L. Alright, your correct.
We both laughed and reached outside. The cool breeze hit our faces.
M. Logan and Jake, your going in that yellow one.
He pointed to the first car in the front. Logan looked at me and pouted.
L. I don't want to leave you or my child alone!
He whispered in my ear. I giggled but pushed him towards the car, making sure to give him a quick peck in the lips.
A. Go! I'll meet you over their anyways!
L. Fine!
He kissed my forehead and walked towards the car with Jake.
M. Alexis, Mike, and Olga, your going in the second car. I'm going in the van with the rest.
We all nodded. Mike, Olga and I made our way to the second car and got in. I sat in the middle.
M. I'm so fucking hyped for this!
Mike said while jumping in his seat. Olga and I laughed
A. Calm down their buddy!
M. How the fuck can I calm down, Alexis? This is one of the biggest events in internet history.
I laughed.

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