46~ Welcome To London

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Just a quick warning, I'm not going into much detail in this chapter! I don't remember that much!

Also, thank you for 200 followers!

London, were back. Guess what? The boxing match is tomorrow! Yeah, and Logan is really excited today. You know what that means? Today is the weigh in.

We arrived at London just yesterday at 2 in the morning. We immediately went to our hotel and into our rooms and falling fast asleep before my head even hit the pillow.

Logan won't stop talking about the fight. He's actually really excited and I'm proud of him because he's been working so hard for this day. He trained every single day either in the morning, evening, or even at midnight.

So I can't wait until Logan beats Jj's ass.

L. Common! Everyone hurry the fuck up!
He screamed into his phone where Jake was on. Logan, Mike, Jeff, my dad, Evan, Andre, Spencer and I were all waiting in the lobby of the hotel for Jake and his team. I was sure we were going to be late.

Logan was wearing a Maverick jumpsuit that his friend that lives here in London had it custom for him. I wore a dress with my hair down in curls

After waiting for eternity for Jake, who Logan kept fussing about, we were all in our assigned cars and off to the place where the weigh in would be at

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After waiting for eternity for Jake, who Logan kept fussing about, we were all in our assigned cars and off to the place where the weigh in would be at.

When we arrived, it was pretty full. Paparazzi was everywhere with cameras and fans were all over crowding the place. Both Logan and Jj's fans. When I got out of the car, Logan came over to me from another car and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I leaned into him and we all made our way inside pushing past people.
L. I'm fucking excited
He whispered softly in my ear
I looked up at him as we walked and he smiled softly at me.

When we made it inside, it was way more crowded. You could barely walk especially since everyone was bombarding Logan and Jake with questions. They simply ignored them until we made our way into a little room at the back of the stage. We all sat in chairs as Jake and Logan talked to Jeff and my dad.
AN. Tomorrow's the big day. The moment we have been waiting for!
Andre said as he jumped from the seat next to me. I laughed and nodded.
AN. Yup. It is.
I smiled, remembering the first time I met Logan. When he was looking for a trainer.
AN. He's been working so hard for this
A. And we know he's going to win
Andre nodded
AN. So when's the baby born?
A. Five to six months from now. I can't believe I'm having a baby.
AN. Do you hate the symptoms?
Andre asked with a smirk. I laughed and nodded.
A. Yes I do. But I know it's all worth it in the end.
He smiled.
AN. I can't wait to meet the little Paul.
I laughed and rubbed my stomach
A. My little bean.

L. Alright, we're ready.
I heard Logan tell my dad. I looked up and found Logan and Jake already by the door. We all got up and made our way over. Logan spotted me and walked over, pressing a quick kiss to my lips.
L. I'll see you in a bit.
I nodded. He made his way back over to the door and we all started walking out, except for him because he would go in after Jake who was going on first.

We heard a bunch of screams as Jake made his way on to the stage, along with Deji. Deji smirked at Jake, but Jake has a neutral expression on. Deji was weighed first, than Jake. They were asked to face off, and they did so, talking to each other but you couldn't here. I could see both of them were angry, mostly Deji though. Because Jake was just laughing at him, taunting him. They walked closer to each other, but people stopped them from coming closer, afraid that they would start a fight.

After Jake and Deji got off the stage, Logan and KSI made their way up, both of them had smirks on their faces. Jj was weighed first, than Logan. Who was flexing his muscles. He was asked to take off his pants and sweater, and boy did I blush. Nobody has to know that though! When he was finished, he and KSI were asked for another face off. I was scared that another fight would break out like the first press conference. They spoke to each other, taunting each other. I felt Jj smirk as he got Logan angry with something he said. He immediately replaced the anger though and started talking back to Jj, who got even angrier. He was going for a push to Logan, but was stopped by someone. After a few more seconds of both of them glaring at each other, they were asked to put their clothes back on and walk off the stage.

We got back from the hotel four hours ago. Logan went back to training immediately. I'm worried though, because he hasn't stopped. I'm in the gym with him right now. My dad training both Jake and Logan while the rest are at the hotel. Jake has taken a few breaks, but Logan. He won't. He said that he has to win. I keep telling him to stop, but he acts like he can't hear me. He just goes back to punching the bag.
A. Ok, that's it!
I said while standing up from my chair. It pains me to see him stressed. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me confused. Jake though, he had a knowing look and nodded at me with a small smile.
A. Logan, can I talk to you?
He looked at me, than back at the bag before sighing and walking towards me. I grabbed his hand and walked out of the gym. I felt the cool air hit my skin and I took a deep breathe before facing him.
A. What's wrong?
L. Nothing.
A. Logan, I know you. I'm not a fucking idiot. You can talk to me, you should know that more than anybody!
He sighed.
L. I know. I'm just...I'm just stressed.
A. I know you are.
He looked at me shocked.
A. You can tell you idiot! You need a break. You haven't stopped since we arrived! That was four hours ago!
L. I need to win this!
I cupped his face with my hands.
A. I know you do. You've been so excited ever since you found out, and tomorrow's your day. But Logan, please. Please! Take a damn break! Your going to faint or something! You look reallly tired. Maybe we should call it a da-
L. No. I'm going to keep training.
I softly slapped his cheek.
A. No! No your not! Now get back in their and sit your ass down in a chair!
L. Damn woman. I never knew you were this demanding!
A. I'm pregnant! My mood swings are everywhere! Now get back in their and take a fucking break!
I said as I pushed him inside. He sighed and sat down in a chair with a frown on his face as he watched Jake train.
L. It's not fair! How come he gets to train?
A. Because he takes breaks! Unlike you! It's been four hours!
L. I shouldn't even bother arguing with you.
He said as he sighed
A. Logan, you have to take breaks more often. You can really hurt yourself. I know boxing is already a dangerous sport, but forcing yourself when your tired is not healthy.
L. Ok, fine. I'll rest more. But what's the point? Tomorrow's the fight!
A. Don't hurt yourself! Your just nervous
L. I'm not nervous!
I shook my head
A. Yes you are
I said and softly kissed his cheek
A. You're going to win.
L. Thanks for believing in me
He said as he leaned his forehead against mine
A. Always
And he softly kissed me

The moment you have all been waiting for! NEXT CHAPTER IS THE FIGHT!!! But of course, it's not the end of the story. I have a lot more chapters so stay tuned!!!♥️

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