15~Not Enough

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H. Gabriel only has two months left of life. He lost the battle Alexis.
He lost the battle Alexis. He lost the battle. Those words kept ringing in my ears, before I processed what they meant. Gabe lost the battle. I promised him I would help him. He lost!
A. Your joking right?
I said slightly hopeful.
H. I wish I was. It's true though.
A. But I just saw him an hour ago! He was fine! I saw him with my own eyes!
I said with tears flowing.
H. Alexis, remember! He hid that he had cancer from you for so long! You never even noticed!
I took a deep breath.
Gabe is leaving this world behind. He is actually leaving. For good. I'll never see him again. I have to say a proper goodbye to him. I don't know if I can though
H. Alexis?
A. Yeah?
H. You know he'd like you to move on right?
A. Would he really though?
I asked unsure. My life is a mess right now. I just wish I could wake up and say it was all just a dream, more like a nightmare.
H. Of course! Alexis, Gabe is leaving for good. Whether we like it or not. We might see him someday in heaven, but I know for sure he wouldn't want to see you hurt, in pain, sitting here not able to move on!
A. He's not even got yet! He's still here! Maybe the tests were wrong!
H. Alexis! Listen to me! The tests were not wrong! Understood?!
A. No Hannah! He can't just leave! He can't just give up! Why is this happening to him?!
H. Because he didn't want treatment! He gave up! He thought it was for the best because he is tired of fighting for his life! That's why Alexis!
I cried. He gave up. He's leaving everything behind and going somewhere where he won't suffer.
A. It's just so hard to accept the truth! Do you know how hard this is for me?!
H. Alexis, it's hard for everyone right now!
A. I slapped Ozzy.
I whispered. Hannah looked at me with wide eyes.
H. You what?!
A. I slapped him
I said while whipping away my tears and shrugging.
H. Why would you do that?!
She said while letting out a frustrated laugh.
A. I don't know, maybe because he said he wished he was never friends with me?! He was gripping me against a hospital wall, saying rude stuff to me! I couldn't just stand their hearing that ok! He thinks I used Gabe! I would never do that!
I looked at Hannah and saw a look of relief wash over her face.
H. Than fuck him! He deserves it!
I laughed while wiping away my tears.

A knock on the door interrupted Hannah and I's conversation and we looked to see my dad. I smiled weakly at him.
A. Hi dad!
M. Hey Alexis
He said sounding tired and running a hand over his face with a frown.
A. Dad what's wrong?
M. Can I talk to you alone?
I looked at Hannah and she gave me a smile.
H. Don't worry, I have to go anyways.
I nodded at her. She gave me a hug and walked out the door. My dad sat in the couch opposite me.
M. Alexis, we don't have enough money to keep paying rent.
My eyes widened.
A. What?
M. I don't make enough to pay for rent. If we don't pay this month, we are going to get kicked out.
I sighed, running a hand over my face. This is my fault. I don't even have a job for fuck's sake. I have my dad paying for all the bills. I need a fucking job.
A. Don't worry, I'll find a job to help with the bills and everything.
M. Alexis, you don't have to do that! I'll figure it out!
A. dad! No! I'm helping you and that's final!
My dad sighed
M. Fine!
A. I'm going to go for a walk. I need time to think right now.
He ran a hand through his face and nodded.
I got up and walked out the door putting on my leather jacket and placing my phone in my pocket. I walked down the street thinking how my life became a mess ever since Logan entered my life. But I'm not going to lie, I know everything is going to turn out ok. Everything will get better, I just don't know when.

Somehow I arrived at the grove. I have no idea how. I guess I just walked to the point that I arrived here and I am extremely puzzled as to how. I looked around, and saw many people walking around with their arms full of bags. I internally cringed. I kept walking and saw signs of Now Hiring. The stores didn't seem to fit me though. I kept walking with my eyes on my shoes when I bumped into a hard brick wall. I fell backwards, but before I could fall, two pairs of strong arms grabbed my shoulders and I balanced on time. I looked up and was met with beautiful ocean blue eyes. Logan.

A. Sorry!
L. It's fine. What are you doing here?
He asked confused
A. I was just walking and ended up here. I'm looking for a job.
L. A job?
A. Yeah. I need to help my dad right now.
He looked at me, as if trying to think something through.
L. I have a proposition for you.
I looked at him confused.
A. What?
L. Be my assistant. I need one right now.
A. Huh?!
I asked completely unaware that he would ask me this.
L. You said you need the money. I'll pay you enough for the help you need for your dad.
A. Logan, I-
L. Alexis, all I'm asking is for you to be my assistant.
I sighed
I need a job right now to help my dad. I didn't expect to get a job this quickly though. I need the money. I'm only doing this for my dad.
A. Fine.
Logan smiled at me and nodded.
L. Great, I'll text you the details tonight. You start tomorrow.
A. Ok
I looked at the person standing next to Logan and saw Jake. I gave him a warm smile and he gave me one in return.
A. I have to go
I said walking away from them and down the sidewalk on my way home. I guess I have to walk another hour back home. I felt a presence behind me and turned to see Jake and Logan following me.
A. Yes?
L. Do you have a ride home?
A. I walked here
L. Alone?
A. I was deep in thought. I don't even know how I got here.
L. It's dangerous Alexis
A. I know boxing?
L. So?! What if that person is better trained then you?
A. Oh well than?!
Logan sighed
L. Your coming with us
A. What if I don't want to?!
L. Alexis stop being so damn stubborn and get in the damn truck!
He seemed angry right now. As if he cared. I had no idea why.
A. No
Logan sighed and let out a frustrated laugh. He walked towards me and picked me up over his shoulder. I screamed. I looked at Jake and he was giving me an amused smirk. I scowled at him.
A. Logan let me go!
L. Shut up! I'm taking you home for fuck's sake!
He threw me in the back of the car and I whimpered.
A. Fuck you!
I said before he shut the door in my face. I huffed and sat properly in the seat while buckling my belt. I leaned my head on the seat and sighed. I guess I'm Logan Paul's assistant now.

When we arrived at my house, I grabbed my phone and placed it in my pocket.
A. Thanks for the ride.
I whispered
L. It's fine. How's Gabe been?
I fought back tears.
A. He's got two months left
L. Of cancer?
A. Life
Logan's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.
L. Alexis I am so sor-
A. Don't be sorry. You didn't do anything. I'll see you tomorrow.
L. Alexis-
I walked out of the truck and closed the door, walking into the house and shutting the door behind me.

My dad was sitting in the kitchen table looking at some papers
A. I found a job
My dad looked up surprised
M. That quick?!
A. I'm Logan's assistant
My dad eyes widened
M. Are you sure about this?
I nodded my head
M. We need to finish that talk.
I sighed, knowing where this was going. I walked towards the kitchen table and sat across from him with my head down.
M. Why did you break up with Gabe?
A. I cheated on him
I whispered, feeling a tear roll down my cheek.
M. You what?! Alexis why would you do that?!
A. I was caught up in the moment! I feel really bad and it's been eating me up ever since I did that!
M. With who?!
I stayed silent
M. With WHO!
My dad screamed and I flinched. I knew he would be mad, but I didn't think he would be this mad.
I let out a shaky breathe.
A. With Logan
I whispered.
M. Logan?! Logan Paul?!
I nodded my head. My dad sighed.
M. Why?
I stayed silent
M. Alexis, what did you do to Gabe?!
A. He's leaving dad! He's leaving and it breaks my heart!
M. Where?!
A. He only has two months left of life!
M. Is that why you did it?!
A. No! I didn't even know until Hannah told me today!
M. Oh my gosh Alexis.
A. I'm sorry I'm not the daughter you want me to be!
I screamed and stood up from the chair, running upstairs.
I heard my dad scream but I ignored him. I threw my door shut and locked it, laying in my bed and crying into a pillow. I know my dad prefers to be without me. I feel it. I don't blame him. He raised me alone, never in his life went out with someone while I was with him. I feel bad. It's my fault.

Who else was crying while watching the video, Why 2018 Was The Most Important Year Of My Life. I for sure did. I'm so proud of how Logan has changed over this year. Whoever misses the old Logan, fuck you. This Logan is way better and he's changed so much for the better. He's become more mature, shows more emotion. The 2016 and 2017 Logan would never show emotion. This Logan does. When he talked about Chloe, I legit started crying because I could see how much they both loved each other. It broke my heart to see Logan cry. It really did. 2019 will be a better year for Logan Paul. I feel it and I know it. I love you Logan Paul!♥️

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