41~ Return

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I stayed frozen.
L. What is she doing here?
I heard Logan growl at my dad. My mouth was still wide open. Until I finally spoke.
A. Why?
I asked my dad.
M. She wanted to come see yo-
A. Bullshit!
I hissed at him.
A. You really believe this bitch wants to see me? After many years? Last time I talked to her, she made it very clear she never wanted to see me again!
R. Alexis-
A. No! You don't get to talk here! You caused this! Not me!
R. I already told you why I left you!
A. And you still chose to! Dad, why would you bring her?
M. I wanted you guys to get along!
A. Well I don't!
R. I asked him to...
I looked at her
A. I don't believe you
R. I don't care if you believe me or not! I came to congratulate you after your dad told me I was having a grandchild.
I looked at her in disbelief
A. Now I see the real reason why you came! Because I'm having a baby! Wow.
I shook my head.
R. Alexis, you know that's not true
How is she talking so calm?
I growled at her
A. Yes it is!
She gave me a smile. A smile so fake I'm pretty sure everyone around us could see it. I wanted to smack her right in the face. Just like she smacked me. I lunged toward her but two arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back.
L. Alexis, don't do it.
Logan whispered calmly in my ear
M. Alexis! All she is trying to do is congratulate her, and you thank her like that?
I groaned and ran a hand through my hair.
A. Seriously?
I wiped away my tears but more just rolled down, and faster.
A. Dad, do you even know how much this means to me? It means a lot if you didn't know that! I was having such a great time! But you had to bring her and Destiny here, as if we are such a fucking happy family!
I stated the last part sarcastically and waved my hands in the air.
A. This means so much to me and Logan?! Why bring someone who doesn't care about me?
R. I do care about yo-
A. Don't you dare finish that damn sentence!
I said while pointing at Rebecca.
A. If you cared, you would have never left me! You would have stayed with me and my father. I still can't believe you two are together! Please, just please, for everyone's sake. Please leave!
My dad shook his head.
M. We aren't leaving.
I sighed
A. If your not, than I am.
I pulled my hands away from Logan and made my way into the house. I heard footsteps behind me. I only walked faster. When I made it to my car, I unlocked it and got in, but someone closed it.
?. Where are you going?
Of course it's Logan.
A. Anywhere but here
I tried to open my door, but Logan wouldn't budge
L. Your not driving. Not in this state.
A. Logan! Please, I can't be here! Not when the two people I despise the most are in their! I can't!
Logan hugged me to his chest. I cried. I felt soft kisses being placed in my head.
L. I love you
He whispered
A. I love you to.
I hugged him back, tight.
L. Common, lets get out of here
A. Really?
L. Yeah! I can call my mom and dad and tell them we can hang out with them tomorrow so they don't feel bad. I can tell everyone that we just went for a quick drive because you weren't feeling well.
I nodded
A. This is why I love you
L. I love you and I'd do anything for you. Anything!
I softly kissed him. He kissed me back. I pulled away after a few seconds and got in the passengers seat, handing the keys to Logan. He grabbed them and turned the car on, driving out of the parking lot.

We've been driving around for a while. I noticed the trail, and I couldn't help but smile through my tears. I stayed silent though, looking at Logan who was focused on the road. He parked my car in the grass and turned it off.
A. I thought you forgot about this place.
I whispered so quietly I didn't think he heard
L. How could I not?
I shrugged
A. It's been such a long time. I only brought you here once.
L. I never forget about anything you tell me, never.
He opened his door and walked over to mine, opening it for me. I got off and Logan closed the door behind me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we made our way over the hill. I saw the dock in our view. I walked faster, making Logan's hand fall off my shoulder and I heard him chuckle behind me. When I sat down, I looked at my paintings that I had painted on the dock many years ago. I looked at one with a girl sitting on a swing under the sunset. You couldn't see her face, only a shadow.
L. I remember you told me you painted these
I looked at him and smiled
A. I did. I need to paint something new
L. It's all filled
A. Not this part
I said while pointing at a blank space in the end of the dock. Logan sat next to me.
L. What do you plan on drawing?
A. I'm going to wait a few months. Maybe 5 months from now.
L. Why is that?
A. I want to paint a picture of the scan of our baby...
I whispered. I looked at Logan, who was smiling at me.
L. I love you
A. I love you
He cupped my cheek and softly pecked my lips.
L. I am seriously really excited for this
A. I am to. It's definitely going to change our lives.
L. Wanna know something?
He whispered, I heard panic in his voice. I was immediately concerned
A. What's wrong?
L. I'm scared
A. Of what?
L. I feel like I'm going to be a bad dad.
I cupped his cheek and pressed our foreheads together.
A. Your not going to be a bad dad. You want to know why? You know how many kids you make smile every single day? More than 19 million Logan! Your going to be fine! Our baby is going to love you so much. I know it, so don't be scared alright?
He hugged me and I placed my head against his chest. He let out a huge sigh
L. What would I do without you?
I scoffed
A. Nothing of course!
I said while looking up at him with a huge smile. We both burst out laughing.

Did you guys enjoy this chapter? I hope you did! Not sure when I'll post my next chapter! I love you guys!♥️

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