53~ Leaving

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WHY DON'T WE COME TO BRAZIL!!!! Man, I love that song. Come to Brazil is awesome! Proud of the boys, once again!

A. How long are you leaving for?
Logan looked up from his luggage and smiled sadly at me.
L. Two weeks
A. Two weeks?
He nodded
A. Why two?
L. I have some music to record. Your dad's also going so that I can train for boxing as well.
I nodded
A. Well, hope you have a nice trip.
I said and sat on the bed. Logan sighed and sat next to me.
L. Two weeks are going to end like a blink of an eye, ok? I'll be back before the baby is born. I promise! I will not miss our baby's birth.
A. Even if it's not a pleasant sight to see
He let out a chuckle
L. Even if it's not a pleasant sight to see
He repeated. I scoffed and punched his arm. He chuckled.
A. So your going alone with my dad?
He nodded.
A. Your leaving me here with these douchebags?!
He let out a chuckle.
L. I'm sorry, babe.
I laughed as well.
A. Eh, it's fine. It's your job. I understand. I'll find something to do these two weeks.
L. Actually, I have a job for you.
A. Oh, yeah?
He nodded
L. For you to just sleep all day
I scoffed
A. Are you serious?
He nodded.
L. Your eight months pregnant Alexis. You shouldn't be doing much. Especially going up and downstairs.
A. Looks like I'm sleeping on the couch.
He glared at me.
L. I'm being serious. You can't do much. Don't pick up heavy stuff
A. Your treating me like I'm dying or something
L. Your not dying! You have a human being inside of you!
A. You think I don't know that?
L. Your being so stressful!
I smirked
A. Good
He sighed and hugged me to his chest.
L. Babe, stop making this so complicating. Just don't do much while I'm gone. I'll FaceTime you every single day.
A. Your acting like your leaving me
I whispered
L. You and I both know I'll never leave you. I can't possibly do that. I love you Alexis.
A. I know. I love you.

It's not that I'm sad to see Logan leave, I mean I AM, it's just I like to make him think I'll be miserable without him, which I WILL be but...anyways, the point is I like to see him reassure me that he'll be back soon and tell me how much he loves me.

L. So your not mad at me
I smiled at him
A. Why would I be mad at you?
L. Because I'm leaving for two weeks?
I grabbed his chin and leaned into him.
A. Just because your leaving me for two weeks does not mean I'm mad at you. I'm joking around with you because you always tell me how much you love me.
He laughed
L. Well, let me remind you again. I'm sad I'm leaving you for two weeks, because I'm leaving the girl I love with all my heart. Your my world, my heart, my everything.
I smiled and pecked his lips.
A. That's what I wanted to hear
He tilted his head back and laughed.
A. Don't worry, I love you to. If not, more.
L. Impossible
I rolled my eyes
A. whatever
He laughed.
L. My flight is in a few hours. You have me since than
A. I better
I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He smirked and pushed me against the bed to peck me on the lips.
A. That's enough, Logan
He whined, but got off and helped me up. I laughed and helped him pack his luggage.

When we finished, he left his luggage downstairs by the door and came back up to help me walk down.
A. I don't need your help
I said as I slowly walked down.
L. Yes you do. Your clutching my hand right now like your life depends on it.
I let go of his hand
A. Sorry
He grabbed my hand again and we continued down the steps
L. Don't be
When we finally reached down, I found Angela and Spencer sitting on the couch
A. Hi guys!
S. Hey Alexis
AS. Hi!
S. Has Logan told you he's leaving?
I nodded
A. Yup.
S. What are you going to do while he's gone?
L. She's going to sleep all day
A. I'm not a bear who needs to hibernate!
I growled at him.
L. You should be
I gasped and punched his shoulder. He cried out in pain. I smirked as an idea came into my mind.
L. You fucking punch hard
A. I know
I smirked
A. Hey Logan, can you go to McDonalds and buy me some crispy tenders?
I asked him sweetly
A. I've really been craving them.
He glared at me but grabbed his Maverick hoodie and car keys
L. I fucking tell you I love you and that I'm leaving for two weeks, yet your still sending me away to get you some fucking tenders at fucking McDonalds!!!
A. Oh shut the fuck up ok!
L. I'm definitely not going to miss YOUR FUCKING CRAVINGS!
He screamed and slammed the door shut.
S. Damn
I looked at Spencer and smirked
A. I don't actually want crispy tenders.
Angela and Spencer burst out laughing.
A. I wanna prank him
S. Oh really?
AS. How?
A. I'm telling him that my water broke!
They looked at me confused.
S. How?
A. I have it planned out. We'll all be in the kitchen. I'm spilling some water, down their if you know what I mean when he isn't looking
They laughed
A. And some on the floor and scream that my water broke.
I smirked
S. Can I vlog it?
I shrugged
A. Go fucking ahead

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