26~ The Date

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Do you guys like the cover for Manager Jeff's Daughter? It doesn't really convince me.🤔


Today's my date with Logan. I'm really nervous. I guess it's because the new idea of dating someone new has got my nerves all jumbled up. But I'm doing this for a reason, because I can't get rid of the feelings I'm actually gaining for Logan.

Logan didn't tell me what we would be doing. He just told me to dress however I'd like. Something comfy is what he said. Personally, I really hope it's not some dinner. Literally every date consists of that, which is pretty annoying. He told me he would go to my house and pick me up. Yeah, I came back yesterday because I felt like I was giving Logan less space at his house. I've talked to my dad about Rebecca and Destiny and told him I didn't want either of them at my house. Again, he agreed.

So right now, I am currently getting ready for the date Logan's got planned for the whole day. Yeah, whole day. I've been annoying him all morning what we'd be doing, but he just won't tell me. I want to know! So bad! Especially since I hate waiting for surprises. It just sparks up my curiosity even more.


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I placed on some red and white 13 retro jordans and grabbed my phone before texting Logan that I was ready

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I placed on some red and white 13 retro jordans and grabbed my phone before texting Logan that I was ready. He texted a few minutes later that he was already on his way.

When he got here, he texted me that he was outside. My dad wasn't here. He was at the gym training Jake. Logan had taken his day off of training today. I think that's cute.

As I walked out of the house and locked the door behind me, I turned around and was surprised when two arms wrapped around my waist.
A. Woah
I muttered under my breathe. Logan laughed and placed a quick peck on my cheek.
A. Where are we going?
L. It's a surprise!
I groaned. He grabbed my hand and led the way to his truck and opened the door for me. I got on and closed the door before he ran around and got inside. He drove off and turned on the radio.
A. Can you at least give me a hint?
L. Hmmm. You'll have to change.
A. Change? Why did you tell me to dress in something comfy!
L. Because it will take less time to change!
A. I can't believe it.

Before we arrived, Logan had placed a blind fold on me. He carried me out of the truck and gripped my arms as he lead the way.
A. What are we doing?!
L. You'll see!
We stopped a few moments later and I found myself eager to see what we were doing.
L. Ready?
A. Yeah!
Logan slowly took the blind fold off, and I gasped to see what was in front of me.
A. We're skydiving!!!
Logan laughed
L. Yeah
A. What! Wait actually!
I said excited
L. Yeah! Why would I drive all the way over here for nothing!
A. Oh my gosh!
I jumped into his arms.
A. I've never been skydiving before! Ok, now I'm fucking nervous
He laughed
L. Don't worry. It's pretty fun.
A. You've done this before?
L. I have a license!
My mouth fell open, causing Logan to laugh harder.
A. Am I going to have a man attached to my back? That's kind of creepy.
Logan smirked
L. I'm going to be the man attached to your back.
I shook my head and laugh
A. I probably should have seen that coming.
He laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, before we walked inside the building.

After signing a few papers and practicing in the Air tunnel, it was finally time for the jump. I had to change into a purple jumpsuit and I was currently getting attached to Logan. Literally. He'll be attached to my back so we jump together.
?. Alright, your all set.
L. Ready?
Logan said while looking at me. I was now at the edge of the plane, looking down at the view. Ok, I was scared now. I think this is a bad idea.
A. I don't know...
L. You'll be fine! I'll be attached to you. I'll be doing most of the work ok?
A. Fine!
L. Ok, on three.
A. One
A. Thr- shit!!!
Logan took off after that. He jumped, and now we were flying out of the plane. I felt alive. I'm flying! It feels as if your not trapped up here, as if you can do whatever you want. Everything is left in the past. The air hit my face, making me relax even more.
A. This is awesome!
Logan laughed. He did a few flips, causing me to smile even more.
A. We have to do this again!
When we were reaching the floor, Logan pulled the parachute and we slowly got down. Damn!
A. That was awesome!
L. I know. I like it because it feels as if everything is left behind. Like your leaving everything and you just feel free.
When we touched the floor, we ran and fell on the floor. I somehow landed on top of Logan. We laughed. Logan slowly leaned in and so did I and soon, our lips moved in sync. He leaned my head back, so he kissed harder, and soon he was on top of me, hands on my cheeks. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him closer.

This will definitely be something to remember.

I don't know how to say this. I lost a family member who I loved and still do with all my heart. And it's so hard for me to focus on Wattpad right now and write chapters, so I want to take at least 2 weeks off. Please understand this guys. It's really hard for me to focus knowing that she won't come back. I really hope you guys understand, because I've got a lot coming up. I can't stop crying. I can't even focus that well at school. So I'm asking you one more time, please please understand what I'm going through right now. I love you guys, hope you understand.♥️

Also, I'm very sorry for such a short chapter. I haven't had the time with the current events.😔

His Trainer's Daughter (A Logan Paul Fan Fiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu