14~ My Drug

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I'm so proud of him

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I'm so proud of him. He's changed so much this year and it's definitely been for the better. I can't wait to see this video. I can't wait for 2019: I know for sure, that will be a better year.

They said don't do drugs don't do drugs don't do drugs
and oh God I wish I had listened because
I inhaled you for five years and
I can still feel the burn in my lungs with every breath I take
And I've tried everything to get you out of my veins
but nothing can get rid of the sting from a deadly poison
Like you.

I am currently on my way to the hospital. I need to see Gabe. I hurt him. I need to apologize. I might not get him back, and I totally understand, but it's definitely worth a shot.

When I arrived, I parked in the parking lot and ran inside the hospital. I was getting weird looks from people but I couldn't care less. I just need Gabe.

I ran to the receptionist. She looked up at me and gave me a warm smile.
N. Hi, how may I help you?
A. I need to know where Gabriel Adams is please
The nurse nodded and looked at her computer. She scrolled through the screen before looking at me.
N. He's on floor 2 room 234b
A. Thank you
I ran to the elevator and pressed the second floor button. I walked past rooms and found 234b. I knocked on the door and opened it to see Gabe, Ozzy, and their mom. They all turned to look at me and gave me shocked and glared faces. I just stood their with tears in my eyes.
C. What are you doing here! Leave!
I looked at Charlotte.
A. Charlotte please-
O. Alexis get out!
A. Ozzy! I just want to know if Gabe is okay. I need to know or else I can't live with myself! Please!
I said as tears rolled down my cheeks. I know I can't have Gabe back, but I at least have to know if he's ok. I need to know and I will find out one way or another.
O. Alexis-
G. Let me talk to her. Alone.
I looked at Gabe.
Charlotte and Ozzy exited the room and I walked over to him.
A. Gabe-
G. Don't act like the fucking victim here. Just get to the point!
A. Gabe I'm sorry! I swear! I didn't mean to! I just came to see if you were okay. I need to know! Please!
G. Why do you care all of a sudden?!
A. I've always cared! Whether you see it or not, I always have! With my life!
G. Than why cheat?! Especially with Logan! What does he have that I don't!
A. Gabe!
G. Please tell me because I'm dying to know!
A. Gabe! Logan is just a friend. It was an accident! I didn't mean to do it. Gabe your amazing just the way you are!
G. Please Alexis. Just leave me and my family alone. For good!
A. But Gabe! I need to know your okay!
G. I'm fine as you can clearly see!
A. Your in a fucking hospital!
I said frustrated.
G. And who's fault is that?!
I cried. This is all my fault.
G. No, Alexis I didn't mean that.
A. Bye Gabe.
I said while crying. I got up from my chair and started walking out the door.
G. Alexis!
I sobbed and turned around meeting Gabe's eyes. I miss his arms around me so much.
G. Don't leave!
He said as his eyes became glossy.
G. Please!
He whispered
A. I love you Gabe. Please, never forget that. I always have and I always will. Goodbye.
I gave him a weak smile and walked out the door, hearing Gabe screaming my name. This pained me. It really did, but Gabe's right. I have to leave him and his family alone for a stupid mistake I did. I have to live with that. Gabe is like a drug to me. My drug. I have to leave that drug alone. It's just intoxicating me more.

I walked towards the elevator while sobbing but was stopped when someone smashed me into the wall. I whimpered and looked up to see Ozzy.
O. What the fuck did you say to Gabe!
A. I only did what you and he said to me! I'm leaving him alone aren't I?! What else do you fucking want from me?!
O. Than why the fuck did you come today?!
A. Can't I come to see if he's at least ok?! To see him for the last time?! Because I don't know if you know this Ozzy but I still love your brother with all my heart! And don't you think it doesn't pain me seeing Gabe laying in a hospital room suffering when he has cancer! I STILL CARE!
I screamed in his face, feeling the tears roll down faster each second. Ozzy was still gripping my wrists against the wall, looking angry towards me.
O. Well you better keep the promise of leaving us alone! I can't believe I became friends with a bitch like you!
He said angrily in my face. I was shocked, I never expected him to say something as rude as that. After all we went through in college, I did this. I feel guilty. But I can't do anything no more.

I managed to pull my wrists away from Ozzy's hands and shoved Ozzy away from me, making him move slightly. I started shaking.
I brought my hand to the air, and moved it towards Ozzy's face, my hand and his cheek making contact. I slapped Ozzy and I'm proud of it. He looked slightly shocked, holding his cheek. Thank you dad for the boxing lessons. I took this as my opportunity to run out of the hospital, and that's exactly what I did. I ran as fast as I could towards the exit. Not looking back. My journey with the Adams has ended. I have to move on. No matter how hard I want to run back to the hospital and run to Gabe, telling him this was all some stupid joke, it's not. I have to except the truth. The truth is that I cheated on Gabe and we ended our relationship. Maybe it was meant to be. Maybe this was a sign that our relationship would never work. I'm taking that as a sign. I have to move on, and it's hard. It's hard to move on from that one person who made you laugh everyday, smile everyday, make you feel better when your down, that one person who loved you. That one person you trusted. My relationship with Gabe was toxic. Maybe I was the toxic one.

I just arrived home, a crying mess. I'm afraid my dad is in their, waiting for me. I have to see him sooner or later. Better to get it over with. I walked inside the house, hearing nothing at all.
A. Dad?
I screamed but nothing replied. I looked in the garage and saw that my dad's car wasn't here. He's not home. I took a deep breathe and walked upstairs. I sat in my bed and starred at my phone sitting right in front of me. I turned it on and opened up my contacts, looking for the h. Once I found the name, I tapped it and put it on speaker. I need to know if Hannah is mad with me or not. After four rings, she answered.
H. Hello?
A. Hannah?
H. Yeah?
A. Hannah, are you mad at me?
she stood quite for a while until replying.
H. Why would I be mad at you?
A. Do you know what happened with me and Gabe?
H. Yeah I do. And that really upset me because I never thought you would cheat on him. But I'm not like Ozzy who would turn their back against you. Alexis, your still my best friend. I've known you for a while now. I would never, you here me, never, leave you alone. I will always be with you. You hear me?
I sobbed in my hand. At least I still have Hannah. Oh Hannah, you don't know how happy I am right now.
A. Thank you Hannah! Thank you!
I said and cried. I cried and cried.
H. Are you at home?
A. Yeah
H. I'm coming over. I have to tell you something and I don't think it's something that should go over the phone.
A. Ok
I ended the call and leaned back in my bed.

I heard a knock on the door, and I quickly wiped my eyes before walking downstairs and opening the door, seeing Hannah standing their. She saw me and engulfed me in a hug. I hugged her back and cried in her shoulder.
We walked to the couch and sat down.
H. Alexis?
A. Yeah.
H. I don't know how to say this
She sighed
A. Just say it. I don't think my life could get more messed up right now.
I noticed tears roll down Hannah's cheeks. This caught my attention.
A. What's wrong?
She looked me in the eyes and sighed. She wiped away her tears as more rolled down.
H. Gabriel only has 2 months left of life. He lost the battle Alexis.


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