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Take back that sad word goodbye.
Bring back the joy to my life.
Don't leave me here with these tears
Come and kiss this pain away.
I can't forget the day you left,
Time is so unkind.
And life is so cruel without you here beside me.
~Tori Braxton

It's been two months. Two months since I became Logan's assistant. Meaning, I already found out the results to the DNA test I took to see if Noah really was my step brother. Meaning, Gabe can leave this world any second.

When I opened the results about the DNA test, I opened it with Noah by my side in our spot. We were both nervous, nervous of what was yet to come. I knew for a fact though, that no matter what the results said, I would stay with Noah forever. I would help him out throughout the time. I'd treat him like a real brother. So when I opened the results, I was happy. Noah was my step brother. He was surprised at first, but than all he did was give me such a tight hug that I couldn't help but hug back. I was in tears that day, happy tears of course. And now here we both are sitting in my bed talking about stuff. My dad doesn't know he's my step brother yet, in fact we told him we met when I was applying for jobs. My dad, not paying much attention actually believed me. Surprisingly.

N. So how's life been?
I sighed
A. More stress each day!
I said while running a hand through my face.
N. Any way I can help?
A. Being here by my side.
I smiled at him and he hugged me. I hugged him back.
A. Is this weird for you?
I asked Noah
N. No? Why?
A. Because nobody literally knows about this. Not even your mom.
N. That's also your mom
A. She was done being my mom ever since she left me.
I said sternly. Noah smiled at me
A. What?
I asked confused
N. No matter what you've been through, you've always been strong Alexis. That's what I admire about you. I may not have known you for long, but I can already tell your always acting strong. No matter the problem!
I shook my head with a smile
A. I try my best. But it's really hard.
N. But you always find a way to make everything seem better
I shrugged with a smile, causing Noah to laugh. My phone rang and I grabbed it up from the bed, getting a call from Hannah. I answered the call and placed the phone in my ear
A. Hello?
H. Alexis
A. Yeah?
H. Gabe wants to see you
I stood their frozen. I didn't know what to do. I can't do this
H. He wants to say a final goodbye to you.
I stood quite, not knowing how to reply.
H. Alexis?
A. Hannah I can't go.
H. Why not?!
A. Hannah, he didn't want to see me! It's all my fault! I caused this and I feel terrible about it!
H. Alexis you didn't cause anything! He just wants to say goodbye
I sighed and wiped away a tear that managed to fall.
A. Ok, I'm on my way.
I ended the call and looked at Noah.
N. Is everything ok?
I shook my head
A. My ex that has cancer, he wants to say goodbye to me.
N. Goodbye?
A. He's going to die.
Noah looked shocked at what I said
N. Are you going?
I nodded
A. Can you please come with me?
Noah smiled at me and nodded
N. Of course!

We got in my car and I drove off to the hospital, trying to hold in my tears. I don't know if I made the fucking right decision.

When we arrived at the hospital, I parked the car and took the keys out. Noah faced me
N. Do you want me to go in their? I can stay here if you want?
I gave him a weak smile
A. I think we should go up their. I don't want to be alone. Especially with my ex's brother. That's the last thing I need right now.
He nodded and we both got out of the car. We walked towards the entrance and over to the elevator.

When the doors opened, we walked down the hall and over to the waiting area.
A. Do you mind if you wait in the waiting area while I talk to him?
N. Not at all!
I smiled at him and hugged him.
?. Are you fucking kidding me? First you cheated on Gabe, than you went to Logan. You probably left Logan already and went to this kid. He looks fucking younger than you for fuck's sake Alexis!
I sighed, rolling my eyes and pulled away from Noah, facing Ozzy himself.
A. Oh shut the fuck up Ozzy! If you don't know who this is I suggest you shut that mouth of yours!
O. Your a whore!
My eyes widened and tears started to form in my eyes, I tried to keep them in though. A knot started forming in my throat. It was hurting.
N. Hey don't talk to her like that!
O. You shut the fuck up! Alexis is playing you! She's a girl who sleeps with someone and leaves them! She's a female player!
A. No I am not!
I screamed at Ozzy, who was glaring at Noah.
N. Oi! I said don't say bad stuff about Alexis!
O. And why not?
Ozzy said with tears in his eyes and shrugging.
I screamed at Ozzy who's eyes were wide open.
O. You don't have a brother?!
A. Well apparently I do! So please Ozzy! Please stop judging me with stuff that isn't true! I didn't mean to cheat on your brother! I didn't mean to break his heart! I didn't mean to ruin my friendship with my two best friends that I still love!
I placed my hands over my face and cried into my hands.
O. Alexis-
A. Save the shit Ozzy! I'm not here to see your stupid ass, I'm here to see your brother!
I walked past him and over to Gabe's hospital room. I knocked softly before opening the door and seeing Gabe with much more wires than before. He looked more pale.

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