I'm Truly Sorry

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Hey guys! I know it's been awhile and for that I'm truly sorry. I just wanted to come in here because I have not touched this book in months.

First off, I'd like to thank everyone who's supported me throughout these past few months. Thank you to those who understand why I needed to take the break.

Next, I decided that I'm going to discontinue this book. I'm just not the same girl I was when I wrote this book. I'm not the same Logan Paul fan that I once was.

It's not that he did something to change that. I guess I just grew up and didn't realize when I stopped watching his vlogs as often as I used to. I don't know what's been going on these past few months with him besides him doing a fight very soon with Mayweather? Like what the heck is that about?

Or that he broke up with Josie...I think...?

Anyways, I also decided to stop writing this book because I don't feel as motivated as I used to. I've been fucking stressing over school ever since it started and I know I'm not the only one.

We're all going through difficult times right now and I hope you all understand why I made this decision.

Mainly, I want to stop writing fan fictions.

I made another account about two or three years ago so that I can publish books that are actually teen fictions and romance books because I want to get my actual writing out there.

I've slowly been working on a few projects in that account, none that I've published, but I hope I get it soon. Although, I haven't touched any of my books in months. I've just been reading.

Again, thank you to all of you who have patiently waited for another chapter in this book but I'm really sorry.

I love you all, and until next time!
- Ally♥️

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