6~ Leaving

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Dear Logan,
I'm sorry. I couldn't handle all the pressure of being your wife anymore. It was all to much for me. I couldn't take all the hate comments anymore, they hurt me so bad. I can't be with you anymore. I've gone somewhere. Please don't find me. I will always love you.

L. No...
I whispered. She couldn't be gone. She just couldn't! This isn't like her. She wouldn't leave without telling me. This isn't the Alexis I know. But then, she said she felt pressure because of all the fame I have. I wouldn't blame her.

No! She couldn't be gone. I had to find me. I quickly ran out of the room and downstairs.
I screamed. I ran into the kitchen and saw him on his laptop.
M. What's up?
He asked. He stopped talking when he saw my expression.
W. What's wrong man?
I ran a hand through my hair and gave the note to Mike. He read it and his eyes widened.
M. She...left?
L. Yes! I don't know why? Did you see her leave?!
M. Yes, I saw her. But I thought she was going to the store or something. She had Leilani and a backpack on her.
L. Do you know where she went!?
M. No, man!
I groaned and felt tears at the back of my eyes. I quickly grabbed my phone and called her a bunch of times.


L. She won't answer!!!!
I told Mike desperately.
L. I thought she was ok! I didn't think she would feel so pressured! Why didn't she talk to me!?
I punched the wall beside me.
M. Woah, Logan. Calm down, we'll find her!
L. How can you be so sure? She told me not to find her, she can be anywhere!
She could have left to another state...
I sat down in a chair beside Mike and put my head in my hands. I felt tears hit my palms.

My daughter and wife were gone...
And I don't know if I'll ever see them again.


O. You are fucking cruel!
Ozzy shouted at me. I looked up from the ground. I was playing with Leilani and her toys in Ozzy's living room.
A. How am I cruel? He deserves it!
O. How does he deserve it! The poor guy might be crazy by now!
A. So what?
O. Are you joking!? This has gone to far. I'm calling him!
A. No your not!
I. Why not?
A. Because he pranked me! I'm pranking him back!
O. He just hid your damn ring!
A. Yeah, but I'm taking it farther. I'm a better pranker. I called Mike. He's in on it to.
Ozzy shook his head.
O. Hannah, tell something to this girl! She's crazy!!!
Hannah just moved back to LA. I'm so happy she decided to come back.
H. I feel like she's gone to far. But...he had pranked her multiple times...
I picked up Logan's vlog camera and started recording. As it turned on, I started laughing.
A. You think he's noticed his camera is missing?
H. In times like this, I don't even think he's thinking about recording.
A. What is up, Logang? You might be wondering where Logan is. Well, I'm pranking him. Logan, if your watching this...fuck you.
I smiled sweetly at the camera.
A. You wanted to start prank wars with me, oh it's on!
Hannah and Ozzy laughed.
A. So today, I pranked him by telling him Leilani and I left. Like literally left him. But that's not the case. Of course I wouldn't leave him. I love him so much.
I picked up Leilani and placed her on my lap.
A. Right Leilani?
Leilani started bouncing on my leg and I laughed.
A. So, since we have cameras all over the house, I'll be grabbing the footage through the security cameras. Mike is in on this prank, as well as Andre. They are trying to get Logan to worry more which may be cruel, but hey! He had it coming! Right baby?
I shook Leilani and she giggled. I felt my phone vibrating so I picked it up and saw that it was Logan.
A. I'm going to answer.
I told Ozzy and Hannah. I placed the vlog camera on the table as it was recording and answered the call, I put it on speaker.

L. Alexis!
Logan screamed into the phone. I covered my mouth.
A. What?
I asked slightly annoyed. But I wasn't annoyed.

It's called acting, bitches.

L. Where the fuck are you?
A. I told you in the note! I can't handle all the fame you have! It's to much for me. Please, don't look for me! Leilani and I are moving out. You don't have to know where we go. We'll be fi-
L. Tell me where you are! I'm coming to pick you up!
He sounded frustrated.
A. I-I can't. Logan, I'm sorry.
L. No, wait! Alex-
I ended the call and threw my phone on the couch as it continued ringing.

It's been three hours. I'm really starting to feel bad. Logan won't stop texting or calling. He must be devastated. So I decided to end it.
A. I'm going back, I feel like this is enough.
Ozzy gave me a look.
O. Enough? ENOUGH! He's probably driving all over Los Angeles right now! Oh, fuck that! He's probably across the country!
I rolled my eyes and grabbed my stuff.
A. I'll see you guys later.
H. Bye!
Hannah waved as I shut the door behind me. I got into my car and drove back to Logan's house.
A. Guys, I feel bad for doing this to Logan, but he really scared me with my ring. It may be to much but this is prank wars.
I spoke to the camera as I drove with my eyes on the road.

When I got to the house, I saw a bunch of cars parked outside of his house. But the one that stood out the most was my dad's.
A. Holy shit.
I looked at the camera.
A. Guys, my dad's car is parked outside the house, I forgot to tell him this was a prank!
I drove out of the driveway and parked my car in the corner of the street so nobody could see me. I grabbed my phone and saw that I had a lot of missed calls from Mike, Andre, Logan, Jeff, Jake, and my dad. I quickly grabbed Logan's camera and unbuckled Leilani from her car seat, after grabbing her diaper bag, I made my way over to Logan's house. I hope he had the cameras off, if not...I was fucked.

I made it into the gate without anyone knowing, but I heard screams on the inside. Leilani made a soft sound and I froze.
A. shhhh
I whispered.
L. Where the fuck can she be!!!! I don't understand why she would just leave, this isn't like her! She should have told me something was bothering her!
I decided to end it here and carefully and quietly opened the front door. I heard them all in the kitchen and quietly tiptoed over their. I barely peaked in and saw Mike on the counter. He looked up and met my eyes. His eyes widened even though he was in the prank and I put a finger over my lips to silence him.
M. Logan, we'll find her. Don't worry.
L. How! How, Mike! She turned off find my iPhone! I can't find her, she took Leilani with her!
MS. Logan, she's my daughter and I don't know how we are going to find her, but we will. Calm down.
L. Milton, I can't! What if something bad happened to them!?
I casually walked into the kitchen with Logan's back to me and opened the pantry with the vlog camera still rolling.
A. What's for dinner?
I casually asked. Logan froze. His hands were halfway through his hair. He quickly turned around and relief washed through his eyes. He ran over to Leilani and I and picked me up in his arms.
L. Where the fuck were you!?
He screamed at me when he put me down. He took Leilani out of my arms and showered her face with kisses. He than leaned down and hugged me so tight. He than kissed my forehead, nose, cheeks, and finally my lips.
A. It's a prank...
I whispered as I brought his camera up to his face. His face formed into disbelief.
L. Are you fucking with me right now?
A. You hid my ring, I left the house. So what? You wanted prank wars, oh it's on!
MS. Alexis your cruel.
I laughed at my dad. Logan was still shocked.
A. By the way, Mike was in on this to.
M. Oh fuck...
Logan handed Leilani back to me as he chased after Mike into the backyard. I ran outside and saw him push Mike into the pool. He jumped in after.
Mike screamed.
A. Logan!
I screamed.
L. that's what he gets.

Hey! I wanted to ask you guys a question!

Do you guys want a chapter of Jake's fight? Though I don't know when I'll post it. It could be in a month, not sure!

Hope you guys enjoyed!

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