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So proud of Why Don't We! They made it on a movie soundtrack! OMG!

It's been 2 weeks since Kong's death. Logan's actually been getting better, although he misses Kong each day that passes by.

Today we are all going to London for the second press conference. I'm packing a bag right now. I'll be taking an Uber later today and meet everyone else with my dad at the airport. I have to pack for a whole week.

When I'm done packing, I gather all my stuff and walked out of my room, locking it behind me and walking downstairs. My dad was sitting down in the couch watching tv.
A. Alright, all done!
M. Let's go than.
He grabbed his luggage from the floor and we walked out, placing it in the trunk of the Uber and getting in the back with my dad.

When we got to the airport, we paid the Uber and grabbed our luggage, walking inside the airport. I grabbed my phone out and called Logan.
L. Hello?
A. Where are you guys at?
L. I'll go to the entrance right now.
A. Alright.
I ended the call and placed the phone away.
M. What happened?
A. He's coming to get us.
He nodded.

Moments later, Logan came over wearing a maverick hoodie and sweatpants. I was wearing black jeans with a red tank top.
L. Hi
He bro hugged my dad and hugged me to his chest, kissing me softly
M. Eh eh eh!
My dad pulled us away and I pouted.
M. Not when I'm right here!
He said pointing to himself
A. Sorry
I mumbled into Logan's chest. He laughed and I felt his chest vibrate.
L. Alright, shall we go than?
M. Yes, we should. Or we'll be late.
Logan and I laughed.
L. Alright
He interlinked our hands together. My dad and I followed Logan, passing many gates until we finally got to the right one. Everyone was their. Olga, Spencer, Mike, Evan, Andre, Manager Jeff, and a couple more friends. We all said hi until our plane got called so we went to the plane.

It's been a few hours. We've all been boarded on the plane. I got a seat next to Logan. I feel bad for him though. He got the middle seat and on his left he's got an elder lady who keeps coughing and sneezing, wiping her nose with her sleeve and placing it next to Logan's. He keeps getting uncomfortable and I keep laughing silently.

We just got to the hotel. London is actually pretty. The buildings have such beautiful design to them. The hotel, even better. We've all got our own rooms on the same floor. On my right is Olga's room while Evan's is to my left. Logan's is 4 rooms down mine. Yeah, pretty sad but my dad warned us so he preferred being far from me. Yeah, he's scared of my dad. Today we were all going to dinner to walk around the city and get to know around.

I made my way over to Logan, who was looking through his phone. When he saw me, he smiled and turned it off.
L. Im going to be training for a while here with your dad. It'll only be for like two or three hours before we come back and get ready for dinner.
I nodded
A. Alright.
He softly kissed me and he ran a hand through my hair.
L. I love you
He whispered
A. I love you more
L. Impossible
He smirked
M. Logan, lets go!
He pouted but kissed me one last time.
L. I'll see you later, ok?
I nodded. He walked off with my dad and I grabbed my luggage, grabbing my keys to the hotel room and making my way to the elevator.

When I got to my room, I walked in and placed my luggage by the window. I had a pretty good view. You could see the streets and cars passing by, the tall buildings, people walking on the sidewalks. It was all amazing.

I decided to take a shower and do my makeup after. I put brown eyeshadow and a red lipstick. I decided to pit my outfit with a white lace top and a white pencil skirt. To finish up my outfit, I placed on some black heels. I let my blonde hair down in waves.

Olga came by for a little bit and we talked about stuff.
O. So what are we going to do while we're here?
A. Hmm, maybe go shopping, visit popular places, I don't know?
O. London is actually pretty amazing. Have you ever been here?
A. A few times. When I was little I came with my dad for this huge boxing fight. He trained one of the guys.
O. Funny huh? You came here for a big boxing match. Your coming in a few more months for Logan's.
A. Life's crazy. I did not expect my life to be like this.
Olga smiled.

Logan, Jake, and my dad just got back from training a while ago. Logan just finished getting ready. He decided to change into a white t shirt, black ripped jeans, and white air forces. He snuck into my room and decided to shower and change in my bathroom. I walked over to him, ruffling his hair that was still wet from his shower. He leaned his forehead against mine.
L. You like London so far?
A. I mean, it's really pretty...
L. Better than LA?
A. In my opinion, no. Because LA is where I grew up.
L. Grew up? I thought you were born their?
We both laughed. I shook my head.
A. I guess you don't know much about me, do you?
Logan groaned.
L. I'm getting their!
I laughed.
A. I was born in Texas, but since my dad decided to open his own gym in LA. We moved their when I was 2 years old.
He nodded.
L. But I remember you telling me you were born in LA.
I shrugged.
A. I tell many people that.
L. Why?
A. Maybe because my mom was also born their?
He nodded.
L. Texas. So your a Texas girl, huh?
He smirked. I slightly smiled.
A. I hate country music though.
L. You hate Old Town Road?
I burst out laughing
A. I won't lie, it's pretty catchy. But that's like a song mixed with rap and country music.
L. Whatever.
A. Should we go now? Everyone's probably waiting for us.
L. Yeah, lets go.

I'm so sorry for the long wait! I've been very busy! But I finally had the time to post this chapter. I also had allergies and it was really hard to write without having my eyes crying. So here it is. Hope you enjoyed!

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