62~ Jana's Wedding

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I was having such a peaceful sleep, you know? Sleeping in my comfortable bed with Logan's arms wrapped around me, my head on his chest, my hands around his waist.

Until Leilani woke me up.

I groaned and burried my face further into Logan, who was stirring awake.
A. She's crying.
I cried out against his chest. I felt his chest vibrate, and he slowly placed me on my pillow. I sighed and sat up, rubbing my eyes as I walked out of the room and into Leilani's.
A. Shh, baby. I'm here now.
I cooed as I walked over to her and picked her up in my arms.
A. Shhh, shhhh. It's okay now.
I softly kissed her forehead and sang her a lullaby.
A. Are you hungry?
Her cries only got louder and I placed her down on her crib. I changed her diaper, and after I finished, I pumped some breast milk and fed her some. That got her to calm down. Logan walked into the room as I rocked back and forth in the rocking chair and smiled at us.
L. It was time to wake up anyways. We have to go meet Jake and Tana at the airport for the private jet.
A. Private jet?
He nodded.
L. We are flying to Las Vegas.
I sighed.
A. Ok.
I finished burping Leilani and changed her into a mint green colored onesie. After I changed her, I walked in with her into Logan and I's room and found him laying down in the now made bed with shorts, a blue and pink button up shirt with designs, and his white air forces.
A. Can you hold her while I go change?
I asked Logan.
L. Yeah
I handed her over and he laid her down on top of his chest.
A. Be careful, Logan. She's barely a month old.
She turned a month old two days ago if you were wondering.
L. I've got her. Don't worry.
A. Logan
I warned
L. Look! I'm holding her fine.
He had a hand on top of her small back and half of her face was pressed against his chest. She had her eyes closed, most likely already asleep.
A. Ok.
I grabbed some clothes before walking into the bathroom, washing my teeth, and changing into black high waisted denim shorts and a black tank top. I walked out of the bathroom and put on some black air forces.
L. See? She's perfectly fine.
I looked to the side and saw her hands pressed together under her head. She was still sleeping. I quickly grabbed my phone off the counter and snapped a picture. I found my new wallpaper.
A. You guys look cute.
L. I always do
Logan snapped back. I laughed. Leilani started to stir, and she lazily opened her eyes. Logan and I watched her curiously as she stretched her tiny arms and legs out before letting out a tiny yawn.
A. She's so cute!
I walked over and ran a hand over her small blonde hair. She tilted her head up and let out a small smile. Logan and I laughed.
A. I can't handle this Logan. I'm going to cry when she grows up.
I grabbed her tiny hand as her finger weakly wrapped around mine. I kneeled down and placed three soft kisses on her forehead.
L. Jake just texted me. We should be their in twenty minutes.
I nodded.
A. I'll go grab Leilani's diaper bag.
Logan picked up Leilani from his chest and wrapped his arms around her. I walked out of the room and grabbed Leilani's bag before walking downstairs and grabbing Leilani's bottles. After filling one up with my breast milk for later, I walked into the living room and saw Logan holding our luggage behind him.
L. Ready?
I nodded. We walked outside and I grabbed the luggage as we got into our Uber since Logan wasn't coming back. He was going to London with Jake. I was going to be staying at my dad's. When Logan placed Leilani in her car seat, he placed the luggage in the trunk and we got into the back of the car.

When we got to the airport, we made sure to go to the private jet that Jake had gotten for us to fly in. I grabbed the luggage as Logan grabbed the car seat and made our way inside the airport.
A. We have the passports right?
L. Yeah.
We had gotten Leilani's passport two weeks ago.

After going through everything we needed to do at the airport, we went to the waiting area where everyone was. Their was a lot of people. To say the least that I was shocked when Pam screamed for her granddaughter was an understatement. She dropped everything she had in her hands and ran over to Logan who laughed and stopped. He placed Leilani's car seat on top of a couch and allowed Pam to see her.
P. Look at her!
I leaned in and saw that she was awake. Her wide blue eyes looking around the room. When they landed on Pam, she smiled and stretched her hand. I swear I saw tears in Pam's eyes.
P. Look at how adorable you look Leilani!!!
Pam kissed her palm and softly shook it.
J. Does she still sleep a a lot?
Jake asked as he walked over and stood next to his mom, cooing at her as well.
A. I mean, yeah. A lot. But not like she did during her first week.
J. How old is she?
A. A month.
J. Wow, already?
He grabbed her leg and kissed it. She started to squirm in her chair, making faces, and that's when I knew she was about to cry.
A. She's going to cry.
I said as I unbuckled her. She started crying, and I sighed as I rocked her back and forth in her arms.
P. Is she even old enough to fly on a plane?
A. Well apparently, some airlines require a baby to be more than two weeks old while others require two months old.
Pam nodded
P. She can ride right?
Pam asked Jake. He nodded.
J. She should be fine.
Logan took her from my arms and started rocking her back and forth, walking around the waiting room because she didn't stop crying.
J. I'm going to go call Tana.
Pam and I nodded. Tana wasn't here yet, and Jake kept thinking we would be late.
P. So how has being a mom for a month been.
A. Stressful. It involves less sleep and more crying but no matter what, I like Leilani's company.
Pam nodded
P. That's what I felt like with Jake and Logan. I couldn't stand their screams and crying, but I still loved being with them.
I smiled.
P. Well, I'm going to go catch up with other people. I'll see you later Alexis.
I nodded and she walked away. I felt arms wrap around my shoulder and I looked to the left to see Tana.
A. Oh my gosh! Hi!
T. Hey!!!!
I hugged her back.
A. Are you nervous for today?
I asked her
T. A little
She said with a few nods. I laughed and nodded.
A. It's your big day, you should feel special. 
T. And I do. I'm very excited. Aww, thank you Alexis. Where's my soon to be niece?
I laughed and she smiled.
A. She's with Logan right now.
Logan walked over when he heard his name.
L. Why you talking smack about me?
I scoffed and slapped his arm. Tana laughed.
T. I want to hold my niece.
Logan gave her a playful look and slowly handed her over.
L. She's not your niece yet.
A. Technically she will be in a few hours.
L. Whatever.
J. Guys, it's time to go!
Jake called. Tana groaned and handed me Leilani back before quickly running towards Jake.
T. FUCK THIS! Jake!!! I don't have my passport!
J. I don't either.
T. This is why we belong together.
I laughed at the couple and fixed Leilani back in her car seat. Logan picked it up while I grabbed the luggage and diaper bag and we made our way towards the jet. When we got outside, we all took a couple pictures and started getting into the jet. Logan and I got seats in the very back. I took Leilani out of her car seat and placed it beside me. Logan grabbed his phone out and took a picture of us. He posted it on his Instagram and turned his phone off, turning his attention to us.
L. How's my baby girl?
He grabbed her hand and kissed it softly. Leilani moved in my arms, stretching her legs and let out a tiny yawn. Her eyes were open, and she was looking around. When they landed on Logan, she opened her mouth.
A. Aww!!
I said while laughing.
A. Grab the rattle from her diaper bag.
I told Logan. He grabbed the bag and dug through it and pulled out a purple and pink rattle.
L. She plays with this already?
A. She can't hold it! Just shake it in front of her.
L. Oh, I knew that.
A. Sure you did.
He grumbled. I laughed. He started to shake the rattle in front of Leilani and she brought her attention over to it. Her hands and legs started to move. I saw her eyes light up, and Logan and I laughed. He put it away and started kissing Leilani's stomach.
B. Look at Logan being a daddy.
Logan and I looked up and saw King Bach in the seat in front of us.
L. I know right
Logan said with a smirk. Logan and Bach chuckled and I just shook my head and grabbed a pacifier from the diaper bag. I placed it in Leilani's mouth and she happily accepted it.
R. How does it feel Logs?
We looked to our right and saw Danny, aka Racka Racka asking Logan. Riley Reed was next to him talking to the people in front of her seat.
L. It feels great. I don't like it when she cries though. Alexis makes me go get her in the middle of the night sometimes.
I laughed. We heard screaming up ahead and saw Jake on the floor with Tana on top basically riding him. Logan immediately got up and started recording them. I laughed and rolled my eyes, thankful Leilani couldn't really see them behind the seats. Everyone had their phones out. I looked down at Leilani as a distraction and laughed while shaking my head. Tana burst out laughing and saw her pointing her camera to the back right corner. I turned my head and gasped before looking somewhere else quickly. What is wrong with people, man? Riley just took her shirt and bra off. Her tits are on display! I grabbed a blanket from the diaper bag and covered Leilani with it. She may be a baby and not know what's happening, but it never hurts to protect her from bleaching her eyes out in the near future through flashbacks.

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