I'm Sorry

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WARNING: THIS IS NOT A CHAPTER! I will be explaining why I haven't been posting!

Hello, my readers!

I hope your doing well! Honestly, I don't know how to feel. I'm in quarantine right now, and I'm fucking bored.

I wanted to let you guys know why I haven't been posting, and their is a couple of reasons.

First off, I haven't been feeling well. And no, I don't have the corona virus, at least I hope not. I haven't been out of my house for 32 days, so let's just hope I don't. Anyways, I'm getting off track! What I mean by I'm not feeling well, is that I just feel like I'm not emotionally here.

Maybe you guys remember this, maybe you don't. But last year in February, I posted a "chapter" in this book saying that someone important to me passed away. That someone was my grandmother. Believe me, it's still hard for me. I'm still having trouble processing that she's gone. I miss her more every second that passes and I wish I could at least give her a final goodbye.

The last time I saw her, she wasn't well. She was sitting in her living room in a wheel chair and "eating" liquids through a machine that the hospital had given her. She couldn't speak, she couldn't move on her own, and she was in so much pain.

A part of me is glad she isn't here, because I know that all she would be doing was struggle and be in pain.

This woman was strong. She has inspired me so much. Because of her, I want to become a nurse and help save people's lives, She had heart surgery, she had surgery in her ovaries because she had something wrong, she had diabetes, she went to dialysis every week, and so much more. I wish I could see her, kiss her cheek, give her a bear hug. I wish she could make me her fried potatoes that I loved. I wish I could at least give her a final goodbye.

But I can't, and it's hurting me way more than I thought it would.

About two weeks ago, I had a breakdown. It was three a.m, and I was sobbing quietly as I lay in bed and thought about our memories together.

If you understand Spanish, you may understand the song I posted up above. It's a song about someone you've lost. When I heard this song, it was at my grandmother's funeral, and it had me sobbing and choking on my own tears because of how beautiful the lyrics are. It only made me miss her more.

Please understand, I'm still going through a rough time. So I wanted to tell you guys I need to take a break from writing stories.

I don't know how long, but please, PLEASE, respect my decision. If you've lost someone important to you, you understand what I'm going through.

This doesn't mean that I won't be completely on Wattpad. Because I will be, most likely everyday because I love reading. But, I won't update. If you feel like messaging me, If you need to talk to someone, I'm here for you. Don't be afraid to message me, whether it's a comment in the book or messaging me privately.

Yes, trust me, I've tried writing chapters. I was going to post a birthday chapter for Logan. But I can't because my mind isn't emotionally here.

This isn't the only thing stopping me. Since I'm in quarantine, my school is shut down. I have online classes to take. I have to keep up with school because I care about my grades. I spend hours doing work. I have to try my best.

So that's all. If your still here, I love you. I love you so much, you have no idea. A couple of you have messaged me telling me your fans of my stories and I. I didn't even know I had fans. So, if you are, I love you so much you have no idea!  I'm just an ordinary girl who writes Logan Paul fan fictions. I never thought people would read my work. So thank you!

I wish you all the best, stay safe, stay at home, wash your hands, all that shit...


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